Generations Collide! Part 1

Ray's POV

Dreams are a very tricky thing…sometimes they are nothing merely tricks of the subconscious mind to those who sleep…other times they are fantasies peppered with tiny sprinkles memories…for a select and somewhat rare few they are.."more"-and for the past few nights I have been having nothing but the third option; I feel half and alert as I disparately fought off wave after wave of faceless-shadow like enemies…but alas it seemed to do nothing as more simply rose in their stead.

"Ha, poor poor little hero-"a bone-chilling voice mocked in the vast nothingness that seemed to surround me-my blood seemingly goes ice cold as I immediately recognized-to both my disbelief and horror.

"No no no…you're dead…I killed you myself years ago?" I shouted in furious denial…this cannot be who I think it is…not after all that me and my friends…my family had sacrificed.

The disembodied voice merely laughed…a cold, sinister, and evil laugh that shook me down to my very core.

"I kill-"I shouted furiously loud enough that an entire planet could hear me.


Allura's POV

The screaming and yelling were loud enough to wake up almost the entire mountain range…but in truth, only myself, Aunt Orla, Nanny, and the guys were the only ones started awake by the noise?

"Wha-what the name of king Alfor is that awful noise?"Nanny tiredly rubbed her eyelids.

Randomly I notice Larmina walking alone in the mostly darkened hallway with what appears to be a pillow.

"Larmina?"I call out and the small figure paused.

"A-auntie that you?"The little girl asked somewhat startled by the sound of someone calling her name in the dark?

"No…though I can see how you might there might be some confusion!" I joked

I immediately stepped forward into the clear light-Larmina's only response was:" oh auntie Allura…I didn't expect you to be up !"the burnt orange haired girl said shyly.

"Humph we could say the same of you,young lady ?"Nanny scowled

"Nanny please-"I urged her before kneeling down to meet eye level with the little girl."… you couldn't huh?"I asked with an encouraging smile.

The little girl gently nodded affirmingly."…Ray was shouting in his sleep again!"she said with a slightly sheepish blush on her cheeks.

"Ray?"Nanny chastised again-her already plump looking cheeks puffing out even more."…the correct form of address is your father!"

Larmina shook dismayingly,"Ray told me never to call him that!"Larmina said tightly hugging the pillow and blanket she had with her-I frowned realizing that Raimon most have told her at least a little bit about what had happened between him and her mother.

Hunk yawns with one hand slightly stifling a loud yawn:"…well sounds like he finally stopped!"he says as the sounds of shouting abruptly ceased.

"…Still better safe than sorry!"auntie Orla said suspectingly crossing her arms.

I nodded agreeing-what…what if something's happened to him?


Ray's POV

I don't know when the shadowy figure entered my room…nor do I know how she was able to get the drop on me so easily-even asleep my senses were good enough to alert me if I was in any danger.

"Ah good…yer finally awake!" The woman holding me by the waist and mouth said in a familiar voice.

She immediately released me-I instinctively leaped off the bed,landing crouched on my feet.

"Mye mye yer so lively for someone who just woke up just uh a few seconds ago!" The woman jokes in her thick Xrandarian accent.

"Gael?"I asked taking very cautious steps towards the light switch…diligently making sure not take my eyes off the shadowy figure.

In the dark…the assumed intruder only scarcely looked like Azra-I carefully felt the nearby wall,but it the seemingly mysterious woman-who found the switch first.

She slides her index finger up along the light switch-as the lights grow brighter…the familiar sight of warm brown skin,long snowy white hair and galaxy blue eyes."…better?"she asked with a cheeky looking smirk.

I knitted my eyebrows sternly."not quite…tell me something only Azra and I would know?" I said suspicious.

The woman rolled her eyes and almost poutingly pinching her lips together-she briefly gave a quick thought before giving me a sinister look."oh alright how's about that one time on Altraus five-"

"Momma!"Larmina almost shouted excitedly before jumping onto Azra.

The xrandarian woman smiled,"Larmie…mye mye look at how much grown since I last saw you!"she joked playfully pinching Larmina's cheeks ."Ahem"princess Allura let out a fake sounding cough drawing.

"Oh Fala…apologies I did not notice you there!"Azra said understandably mistaking the princess for my sister.

"No momma this is auntie Allura not auntie Fala!"Larmina said a childish giggle.

'Madam' Hys huffed disapprovingly but does not out try and correct the little girl.

"'Auntie Allura'?"she repeated puzzledly before quickly turning to me."…Raimon were you hiding a second sister from me this whole time!"she with her eyebrows doing a type of knitting/sly thing that they usually did whenever she was mad or suspicious.

"Aughh no-"I groaned irritatedly,"princess,everyone…this is my lovely wife Azra-"I said pausing."…Azra may I interested princess Allura of planet Arus and her four teammates!" I said briefly.

"Ahem" the pudgy older woman let out a faint fake cough.

"Oh yes there maid or whatever and the princess's aunt!" I said briefly waving my hand in a slightly sarcastic manner.

"Wait a tick…ye mean she's yer mother?"she asked with widened eyes.

Beep beep beep beep!!

Thankfully the base's intruder alarms go off abruptly.

"…Look I'll explain on the way to the control center!" I said not even hesitate to burst out of the room as quickly as possible.

"Hey Ray slow down!"I heard pidge shout behind me no doubt racing catch up along with the others.

Soon enough…

The rest of the team met up with the rest of us-But what we found when we finally reached the control room…well I can't say that I didn't expect something like this time.

Adamus sat at the monitor screen with six other people dressed in the same uniforms as my team.

"Who the hell are you people?" Lance yelled

The group's leader of group stepped forward…his face a slightly unsettling reflection of Alfor's."…I am Alfor son of king Raimon the third of Arus-"the young man said quickly eyeing the Red lion pilot up and down."…now the real question is just who in the seven hells are you?"

"No freakin way!"Lance responded back.

Oh this will be…'interesting'!

To Be Continued…