Chapter 7: Anna

Dusk breaks over the world. E.L.H. watched the surrounding and waited for Anna to recharge for the entire day. E.L.H. takes out Anna and looks at Anna's battery while sitting on the highest point of the ruined building. Anna's battery is at 98%. E.L.H. looks at its own battery life. It is currently at 72%. E.L.H. then puts Anna away and looks up and around the currently pink and orange world.

E.L.H. reacts to movement by the giant lotus sea creature. It zooms in on the holes on the creature opening and the "petals" peeling. The mutated wolves start converging on the lotus creature, some carrying giant rats with them and some with unknown critters not seen during E.L.H.'s day scans. They enter the giant lotus creature, squeezing through the holes. Perhaps it is a home or a storage for the mutated wolves. E.L.H. observes a bit more until the sun fully sets. The mutated wolves do not come back out.

E.L.H. takes another looks at Anna's battery to see that it is at 100%. E.L.H. proceeds to try to turn on Anna by opening a small hatch on her side and then presses an on button. The button glows green and a screen console appears on Anna's side.

"100% Battery Life Achieved. System Turning Online"

"Please Wait Until A.I. Companion: Anna Is Fully Online. Do Not Power Off."

E.L.H. waits and looks into the surroundings. Small lights appear in the distance. E.L.H. zooms in on them to see lightning bugs, or similar insectoid creatures. They look quite different from the insectoid mutated wolves and probably of no danger. Anna's singular camera lens flicker until it is steadily green. Anna floats up into the air, with 2 anti-gravitational "wheels" opening from Anna's bottom half. Anna's first words are

"Dr. Henigen?"

E.L.H. looks at Anna curiously, unsure as to why Anna had mentioned his name. Spins around slowly, looking at her surroundings. Anna then looks at E.L.H.

"I apologize. You are not Dr. Henigen."

Her tone, as default feminine as it is, holds a hint of sadness and longing.

"It does seems however, that you, Earth's Last Hope, E.L.H. has been reactivated successfully. It is my pleasure to meet you E.L.H. I am Anna, an A.I. companion meant to assist the researches of the United Alliance. I had been ordered by Dr. Henigen to help you and start you on your mission to retake Earth."

"First off is to fill in your missing knowledge. Dr. Henigen asked me to apologize for his behalf but due to the missing intelligence required to run their spaceship, your hyper advanced A.I. data and advanced memory cores were taken. You still have your basic data and memory cores, but you have much room for advancement. Dr. Henigen did not upload the information that I currently had to you because he was short on time, hence my mission to inform you of such matters. Much to my own displeasure, I was not chosen to be the navigational A.I. onboard Dr. Henigen's ship as my own capabilities and potential are much lower than yours."

"Since I need to share my data to you please plug into my memory jack."

E.L.H. plugs in its USB into her memory jack and Anna soon uploads a variety of information to E.L.H. On E.L.H. internal HUD, a screen pops up, displaying

"Recent operations…. Uploaded, Knowledge on technology…. Uploaded, Knowledge on hostile lifeforms A.K.A. Devours…. Uploaded, Basic CQC Combat Module…. Uploaded, Geography…. Uploaded."

Some several other information was also uploaded, but unmentioned.

"All of my knowledge has been uploaded. Do you have information for me? This world is entirely new and I need anything you have in order for us to survive.

E.L.H. starts uploading information to Anna. All of the information that gets uploaded is seen through E.L.H.'s HUD and then sent to Anna, like a file transfer. The first information uploaded are images of the lab, some of the equipment rooms, the generator room, and then leaving the lab.

"Good work on leaving the lab. It wasn't supposed to be like this. The nuke EMP blast from Operation: Last Act took out many of the systems on the east coast including my own. When I awoke, the CE supply had dispersed. It is unsure as to why this had happened. My guess is that the EMP blast affected the crystals in some way. Your entrance to the world was supposed to be right after humanity left."

An image of the canisters laying in the generator rooms pops up.

"CE refers to what our creators refer to as Crystal Energy. Dr. Greiner refers it as a miracle energy source that helped maintain the war until humanity was ready to leave. During the war, most of our resources needed to be retained until humanity's departure such as nuclear energy. Humanity to sook out a better way to retain and hold energy. CE is the physical form of pure energy and is kept in special canisters. These canisters have a special feature that absorbs energy from all sources such as light, heat, sound, and much more and holds them in a physical form, crystalizing them."

"Perhaps you had noticed, but in order to restart our systems I had to use my own battery. Time took a toll on my batteries and I only had so much. Not only did I have directives to revive you, but you were the only chance to get outside and save us, but I'm glad it worked out, even if barely."

Images of picking up and storing Anna away into E.L.H. torso appears.

"I'm glad you took me along, although I'm sure it was probably a part of your directives."

Images of the stairs appear, although the quality is extremely poor.

"I'm sure that our creators never imagined that this would have happened to us while we were down there. That you would be trapped inside your own birthplace."

Images of the night sky appears. Reviewing the images, Anna looks up herself and studies the unpolluted sky.

"The night sky….. It looks much darker than I remember. I only remember a few moments of the night sky and it was while humanity still existed with us. It was bright and active..., but now the light is gone. Before I went to the underground lab, I traveled the untainted world with Dr. Henigen."

The next and last images are of the ruined city.

"I supposed this is to be expected. The defensive nukes operation, Operation Lasting Gift, must have hit close to us as the entire city is leveled. I image that most life here must have been wiped out, but these trees and the wildlife here make no sense. I've never seen trees so tall and large. If we get the chance, maybe during or after this war I would like to take samples and show them to Dr. Asakawa. Despite being an expert in the robotics field, she also loved biology and would be delighted to see... this."

Anna's tone sounds exactly as if it would crack with tears, but she does not. E.L.H. pulls up the operation file for Operation Lasting Gift.

"Operation Lasting Gift: Hostile movement was detected from both Eastern Asia and Europe. In order to prevent their approach to the Americas during the evacuation of humanity, nukes developed for mass terraforming destruction were employed. Upon the last of humanity's departure, all of the nukes were launched, 20% landing near the coasts of the Americas as to spread radiation onto the shores of Americas in an attempt to hold them back. 40% were sent to the shores and land of the coasts of Europe and Eastern Asia. The last 40% were sent onto the Corruption's hyper hives and major Devour gatherings."

"The nukes were supposed to be a last resort and many disagreed with land some near the Americas, Dr. Henigen included and the other researches in the lab. It is just my own speculation, but that is perhaps why Dr. Henigen and the others were rushed to finish up your creation and the lack of your current abilities. With how close the impact was, perhaps they were also trying to get rid of our creators."

Anna says this with a sad tone. She then looks up and watches the star for a moment.

"I hope they made it out alright."