It felt like I had stayed inside the dark place for more than a few years and my mind started to go off .. although I could just go to the light and give up my life to move on that couldn't be said for my heart I still had other things to figure out things that I found even frustrating if they were to impossible to fathom .. I looked at the light and the more time I spent inside this dark place the more the light glow grew and now it has illuminated half the place I was in .. I felt the urge to just swallow my pride and jump into the light .. but a few emotions got ahead of me .. my gut told me not to ...
I started screaming inside the dark place loudly .. and everytime I did so pain would run through my head and my body causing me not to move .. as if the dark place was starting to give in I felt my body getting sucked into something but that something was very painful as it had felt like a person was on my belly penetrating my skin with a dozen knives ..
my life was getting sucked into something .. and I had gave in letting my whole soul fade into my eyes before I suddenly woke up to heavy breathing and a slow beating of heart ... things were all blurry but I now thanked God that I was able to come to this world again ..
I was never watching anime ever again after I had experienced the very same thing most MC's would say they had experienced .. I looked to my left with my blurry eyesight and I could hear these people distant voices but we're slightly closer to me .. their figures moved a little bit slower than a normal human is supposed move ..
Charlotte was there beside my bed holding tightly on my hand with both of her warm hands .. "He's okay now .. these past three minutes were too hard and deep .. I didn't think he would survive .." although I could hear almost nothing I caught up to the *3 mins* ... it felt like an eternity in there yet the doctor said I was out for three minutes ... being confused would be my first expression on my face but I rejected that thought and just thanked the Lord that I was still alive and I was out of that hell hole or whatever it was ..
The only sentence I kept inside my head was that I barely survived and that meant either one of the men I fought in that bar stabbed me with a shattered bottle while some alcohol still lingered on it ..
or something else happened .. because I had to estimate the dangers of alcohol in one's muscles instead of stomach and they were not to be messed with .. I should've felt like I was over the moon but now that I was pretty tired I just thought that a little rest would do the trick ... but everytime I tried to sleep my body would still tingle in a cold manner reminding me of what happened inside of my mind or soul?
Charlotte sat there with her face resting on my lap holding my hand as if I was going to go away or something .. and before I knew it .. pains started kicking in .. I couldn't move any of my limbs except for my mouth to call for help .. but surprisingly it was as if like I was only shouting inwardly ..
I tried to look at myself and I still saw my body and I wasn't able to raise my head due to the pain .. however I couldn't rejoice as the pain seared inside my mind ..
A minute later I could hear a long unending beep and that wasn't good as the lines dropped so fast only leaving a straight line ..
When the beeping machine started making the noise .. Charlotte woke up devastated as she saw me vibrating violently and when she took a look at the machine she assumed the worst was to come ...
Without even thinking she ran outside of the room calling out for a doctor or nurse .. I even heard more medical facility careers I've never seen or heard of ..
Luckily after she ran out I saw a man in a white coat with two thing in his hands .. he started rubbing something on it before he pressed them together rubbing them against each other ..
He then lowered his body putting the things on my body sending electric pain through out my body ...
Eventually through the door I could see a few nurses and one more doctor looking panicked as they saw me on my deathbed or maybe that's what I thought they were ...
My body shook violently and my heart was beating very fast which was a little bit tormenting as the pain from the heartbeat was nothing to be played with ..
Oh one of the most things I recently started hating was closing my eyes and now they were subconsciously closing themselves .. with a long unending beep still resounding in the room ...
'Does this mean I'm really dying ..?' although it looked like it as the light from before was now a little bit closer causing me to close my eyes slightly .. only for the light to be pushed to the side by the doctor from before ..
"You look okay now .. you're stable but need a lot of rest .. so it'll be better if you didn't wake up and wait for a few days to recover your lost strength .. that's all .." after he finished taking his tests with a little torch in his hand lighting it into my eyes ..
I was very fortunate to live .. I don't know why but if I kept coming back like that I wouldn't die anytime soon ..
With that I closed my eyes and went to sleep ..
Surely I didn't want to wake up in that dark room or anything else as scary as it was but how long will I keep running away from my fears ..?
I calmed down and relaxed my tensed body .. before sleeping peacefully with two bad memories imprinted in my head and my soul ..
Darkness and earth started enveloping my whole body as I teleported into the dreamworld .. or that was what I called it ..
It was a blank dream as always ...
And blank dreams always seemed to end faster than normal ones .. it felt like only minutes had passed but in all honesty 10 hours had passed due to my exhausted body that needed more than just recovering ..
I was drifted into an eerie place before I woke up hastily but with my eyes still opening slowly ... as I glanced on my right to see Charlotte still sleeping on my legs holding my hand tightly ....
I then averted my gaze away from her slowly to look at the windows only to see the sun rays shining in my eyes ...
I closed my left eye in my dazed expression ...
I turned my head again to look at Charlotte who seemed to be waking up rubbing her eyes with one hand whilst the other was still in mine ....
Suddenly after she rubbed her eyes .. she pounced on me hugging me tightly whilst I suffocated and had it hard to breathe with her chest pressed on me ...
"I can't breathe ..." I said as if I was whispering as she hurriedly got off me and tears drooling down her face ...
"How long was I out ...?" she looked at me dazed in her own world ...
I would swear that I was scared when her beautiful eyes met with mine and they made me feel uncomfortable making me avert my gaze away from her ....
"You've been out for one day ... and Uhm a few hours ..."
I looked at her with a tired expression smiling at her nervously trying to sit up ...
"Let me help you .." she said standing up hastily with her hands supporting my back as I sat with a fluffy pillow behind me ...
"Thanks .." I said smiling afterwards trying to not feel awkward ....
we stared into each other's eyes until I couldn't take it anymore ... I averted my gaze but she didn't ... she was in her dreamland ... or I think .. or has my situation made her worry so much ..??
I really don't know but if she is really concerned I'm grateful ...
she then went out a few minutes later telling me she's going out to get us something to eat ...
"What really happened to me back then .." that was the question no one would answer for me ...
it was not what I had expected anyway .. I didn't see anyone stabbing me yet suddenly I was stabbed and alcohol made contact with my blood and muscles ??
what in heavens name happened really ...??
"I'm back ..." the door to my hospital room opened widely ...
as she walked in with two boxes .. and one coffee in the other hand ...
'Who said I didn't like coffee ...?? I like coffee ..' I mean how could she but herself coffee and forget about me ..??
"Sorry the doctor said coffee isn't good for your health for the time being ..." yeah of course it was the doctor ..
she opened both boxes and what I found inside is what I've been longing to stuff into my mouth ever since I arrived at the hospital ...
just kidding ... but it was banana bread ... with a really weird but sweet topping ...
"So how're you feeling ...?? are you okay now ..??" she asked holding my hand as she stuffed a tiny portion of the banana bread inside her mouth ...
I don't why I was so sensitive when it came to her . . whenever she touched me .. I would try my best not to freak out ...
but since she's a good person I must give her the good credit ..
"I'm good ... thanks to you ... let me compensate with you once I recover fully .." I said as she wore a smile ...
"You don't need to pay me or compensate with me Theo ... I'm your frie ~ ... *sigh* ... I was just trying to help ..." she said slightly feeling down ...
I presumed that she wanted to say I was her friend but she backed out because I had lost my memories ...
I took one look at her and shook my head ... "At least let me hear what you want to do so we can do it together sometime .." she looked up back at me with a bright smile ..
"Well ... I was going to celebrate my dad's birthday next week ... at my favourite restaurant ... although he's no longer in this world I'm still grateful to him and this is the best I can do for him ... so can you accompany me .. I promise I won't be a drag ..." I chuckled a bit seeing her expression turn from bright to concern ...
"Don't worry I'm the one who said I wanted to come with you right ... it's settled then .." I gave her a big thumbs up before I went back to eating my banana bread