Tell Me about Suahi

I am Pyotr Ilyich Dreamville. I'm 19. And I use my gift to survive.

I traded their future for the food and room where I could stay overnight and would leave first thing in the morning. I did not have a house nor a parent who would care for me when I got home. I lived everywhere. If I were asked where I did stay, I would reply with confidence: "Sometimes, I stay in your place and sometimes I stay under the old long bridge. But most of the time I stay in the basement where no light would caress my pale skin when the sun roused from sleep."

It was not a riddle, it was my reality.

I hadn't met my father, and my mother died when I was nine. I had no relative, I had no one to run when the world got too cruel for my back to even carry. I had nowhere to live and this yellow hoodie was my only comfort zone. Our house was burnt and it was my fault.

I killed my mother.

Knowing she was a fan of piano that she even named me after a classical composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, made me a fan of violin, too, that I slit my mother's throat with its bow... no single clue nor reason why I made her swim in her own pool of blood. And since that day, I never carried a wooden chordophone on my shoulder. Maybe because I didn't want to remember her at all, that was why I burned it together with our house where mother was lifeless— head was in the verge of separating from her very body with her lemon-coloured dress soaked in blood, crimson.

I never cried nor got afraid living in my own. This was how I supposed to live my life, alone and disconnected from the reality that people constructed.

I heaved a sigh and pressed the doorbell. The rich did not want me inside their house because they thought I was a thief, but this house was worth to try. They were new in this village and I could hear rumours bouncing from roof to roof that they were a good neighbour.

The black and white gate opened, wide like it was expecting me to come. A nine-year-old little girl had welcomed me like she owned every inch of this house. She was strangely wearing a white dress with golden belt on her waist. A familiar smile never left her rosy lips, exhibiting her imperfect set of teeth.

I kneeled, enough to level our heads and held her right shoulder. I titled my head and snapped my left finger, getting her focus and making her fall in my art of hypnosis.

"Can you let me stay here? Promise I'll tell you your future..." I spoke with cadence and rhythm to lull her into a hypnotic trance, ran a touch on her nose to drift her off into a totally relaxed state.

Everyone fell in this trick, but the other family members of someone I hypnotised would not allow me to set a foot on their very door.

"Sure!" The little girl nodded which I was sure the art of hypnosis wasn't fully executed. I guess it worked fast on children. "Big brothers and sisters, here he is!"

I knitted my brows and my head tilted sideway in confusion. The whole surrounding was almost dark and stars were already roused from sleep, twinkling for the almost full moon and dominated the Earth, but as the door opened and a familiar silhouette of man stood at the doorway where chandeliers cried lights, I was succumbed to the fear that his luminous presence brought.

It was the tall, tanned guy from the train— now topless, exhibiting his perfectly built muscle and Japanese text tattoo on his chest. I never expected he had a perfect body shape since he was under his green Billie Eilish hoodie eight hours ago.


"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, brows furrowed and brain perplexed.

He loosened up his hold on my leg and lied himself on the grass, eyes on the deep blue sky while both of his hands were used as his own pillow— making his perfect western face lightened up with the touch of sunrays.

"Lay down beside me and I'll tell you who I am," he replied.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. His innocent yet dangerous look calmed me and I didn't know why.

I lived my life having just a second of conversation with people, but with this man— it would take hours. Not that I like talking to him, but he left me no choice.

"And why would I do that?" hesitant, I questioned arms folded.

I couldn't just trust a man I strangely met on the train station and have a chin music with him when I didn't even know a single shit about him.

"'Cause I am a Dreamville."

I stiffened.

My left brow raised and both were a little knitted. My eyes were a little bulged and my lips were a little sealed, making me unable to talk and silence myself for a minute.

He stared at my eyes while I intently glared at his whole, confused and suspicious about the words he just uttered— that I lost my strength to stand and I collapsed with my knees kissing the grass.

He is my fucking brother! 

"Nah, don't get too shocked, it's not just we're blood-related, we just have same surnames... and parents," he added while I remained frozen in disbelief with what I just knew.

"I don't believe you," I responded almost voiceless.

"Yeah?" He rose, sat on the grass and turned himself on me with our heights now both levelled. "Saint-Saëns Dreamville, our mother. I know you don't talk to people and you don't share private things about you. Maybe ask yourself how I knew her, hm?"

"No. I don't have siblings. Maybe you have universe's gift, too, you could read people and know everything about them that's why I couldn't read you a moment ago, 'cause you are just like me." I convinced myself, there's no way I would have him as my brother.

"You're correct, but wrong..." he started, running a touch on my face with his left hand and locked a sight at my eyes like he was mentally manipulating me. "You're right that I have universe's gift, but it's not the same as you think. I would die when this world dies, because my gift is time."

He got his face slowly nearing my left ear that I could feel his gentle breath caressing my soft skin.

"Sit next to me and I'll tell you everything I know," he whispered in manliest voice, giving me a tingling sensation.

I did as he told, I sat beside him and surrendered myself.

"Now, talk," I spoke, cold-hearted and plain.

He chuckled for a second and lied again on the grass now with his right hand as his pillow while his left hand was pointing the cloud forming above. I grabbed his mini-bag, placed it beside him on the level of his shoulder and used it as my pillow as I laid down just right next to him. He didn't complain which meant it was okay.

Perhaps, I should trust this guy.

"I am Karlheinz, they usually call me K and like you, I am a Dreamville, too. Dreamville is a family by gift, not by blood, that's why we aren't blood-related... at all. I am from Germany, and our mother brought me here when I was a toddler. Our mother was a billionaire archaeologist, a fan of the past the reason why she was driven to study about us, why people like us exist," he spoke.

"Interesting," I commented but in uninterested tone.

"The first of our kind was an Egyptian, it was centuries ago. A guy named Suahi who could see the future, the reason why ancient Egyptian civilization was very advanced. That moment, mother knew there were like her in every part of the world, hence spending most of her life in search of every street and city in most countries where unusual reports about a kid with abilities beyond human capacities to find people of her kind... and she found us, she bought us from our families with millions of money," K told the story while my eyes were locked on his forefinger, circling over where the clouds wandered on the peaceful sky.

"And why again were you not living with us if you were my brother?" I questioned, not looking on him rather still zeroing my sight on his index finger.

"Because mother ran away with you, after she was forced to tell what she knew about us. Signor Giuseppe Dreamville, a geneticist who wanted to create humans with developed brains same way as how our brain functions, having gifts beyond human knowledge by manipulating human DNA— which only our mother knew how to perfectly execute after spending her time in the past with the Egyptian who could see the future, that was her gift, looking back to the yesterday," he answered.

He knew everything I didn't know, mother hid everything from me. I wasn't angry, maybe I realised that was the consequences of killing her.

"And why didn't she let that fucking Giuseppe know about it? She was a fan of our kind, why didn't she want us multiplied?" I asked, perplexed by my... oh, yeah our, mother's doing.

"Because according to Suahi, that Egyptian from the past, our kind is a universe's bug. This universe works like a computer, bugs existed, and that's us. If the computer had too many bugs, system failures would be present, causing imbalance that often leads to a permanently shutdown. Humanity would be wiped out. We both know most people are hungry for power, if they would have one— there is a high chance human race would fall into oblivion," he elucidated with his forefinger poking the tip of my nose.

"I'm confused." I swayed his hand off my face, turned my head, and peered through his stare. "If it's on our DNA, why don't we just have sex and pass our genes to our offsprings, our children?"

"We have just met and all you want is to have sex with me?" He turned his head on my direction that our noses caressed each other rather gently, I could feel his breath fondled my lips. "I mean, I'm fine with that but at least get to know me more first."

Shocked, that became evident on my face making him cackle with laughter.

What the fuck?

"Ha-ha, you think you're funny?" I replied in the most sarcastic way possible, pushed his face away from me, and rolled my eyes which he kind of didn't see.

He chuckled, enjoying the joke he had just cracked that I didn't find worthy of my laugh.

"Kidding aside, it couldn't be passed to the offspring like what you have suggested. It is a genetic disorder which most people of our kind see it as gift from the universe. It couldn't be studied because we have a poor technological advancement. Only mother and that Suahi knew everything about it, but they were both dead and the chance of knowing the truth died with them," K voiced.

I didn't know if I would feel bad because I killed our mother, but if you would think deeper, it was actually a great move the she died before everything went off and this world reached its final day... Or maybe, I was just trying to justfy myself and erase the guilt inside that had been asleep for a long time.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked and rose.

I would probably be late, but why would that matter when I only studied because I no longer knew how to live my life?

He smiled, reaching the seventh heaven by how wide it was. His eyes sparkled and excitement stumbled on his face when he rose and hugged me a little tight.

I felt safe, the feeling I only felt when I was with my mother.

"Because I want you to stay in the place you belong to..." He ended the hug and held my cheeks near his perfect face. "...with me."