Prologue 4

On the other side of the shepherd family buildings, Drake, a 27-year-old lad, was in the Families labour ward. He finally got together with his longtime crush for 12 years. Now his wife Rosane Shepherd was in the process of having their firstborn.

Drake mind was all over the place as his wife was in labour he asked "A-are you ok?"

"Ahhhhhhhh, Drake! Do I look ok? You did this to me!" Rosane shouted as she winced in pain and squeezed her husband's hand into oblivion. Luckily David wasn't weak.

She had been in labour from the night before, being in labour posed a great risk of dying from stress. At her realms giving birth but a strain on her foundation genes and that could kill her.

"Just one more push Rosane, Just one more. I think his head is about to fully come out" A nurse said as she tried to make Rosane feel better.

"It's always fucking one more I want it to be now! Get him out now!" Rosane screamed, she wasn't weak, In fact, she was at the Gene soul stage one step away from the Houtian stage but the pain was unbearable after being in labour for so long.

Out of frustration Rosane held the feeble nurse's head and slammed it on her bed handlebar. Making her pass out.

"Mam! Please stop. Calm down!"

"Don't tell me to calm down! Get him out! Is this healthy?" Rosane shouted like mad, the nurse jolted out of fright.

"Rosane, keep your hand to yourself. I can't have you hurting my nurses. They're only doing what I told them to, I'm trying my best that all I can promise you at this point.

If you want to break something, break your husband's hands", Drake's hands already felt like they had broken. He didn't know if he could take it anymore. But he didn't dare take his hand away.

The head nurse was already racking her head out of many things she could do to deliver the baby. "Straighten the bed and lean it 50 degrees", the head nurse ordered.

Rosane was held onto the bed and it was 50 degrees. "C'mon please work" The nurse muttered, this was the most unethical thing she could do.

"What are you gonna do?" Drake asked in a slight panic.

"Deliver this baby"

Nurse Pei said in a serious tone.

The bed was now tilted and she uses one hand to apply fundal pressure downward onto her uterus. She did this a couple of times until the baby finally fell out.

"Head Nurse Pei! Rosane's Vital are dropping!" one of the nurses shouted as she pointed out.

"Nell make it stop!" Nurse Pei quickly put the baby on a tray and he was taken away.

"Head nurse Pei! What's wrong?" Drake asked.

"Drake, you need to leave. This is no place for you anymore. Your child has already been born, we need to save your wife now." Miss Pei waved her hand and called some nurses.

Drake knew there was no use making a big deal over it.

Several Minutes later, the hospital was on lockdown. Drake got up to find out what happened. He saw an Elder who was in the hospital standing outside a room. He was too worried to remember his manners.

"Elder Mo Zen, Do you know what is happening?" Elder Mo Zen was a middle aged man, he had short hair and a long beard. He was neither tall nor short at 5'9. He was annoyed by Drake's lack of respect toward his elders.

(AN: Some people will have different last names because their parents might take another last name through marriage. Like the wife taking the husband's last name.)

Before he could say anything, a Tele-com announcement sounded in the hospital. "All parents that have children born within the last day need to come to the Conference Room immediately for an emergency meeting. I repeat -"

The Telecom sounded a few more times and soon after, parents started to go to the conference room. "Forgive my rudeness Elder Mo Zen. I must leave"

Inside the conference room, around 11 parents sat. It was a family hospital so everyone was distantly related in some way even if they shared different last names. Although a lot of nurses from outside.

All the Elders sat beside the Patriarch. No one spoke before the patriarch addressed them. "We are all family in one way or another. Our family has the longest histories of Crenos. I know that we are a lot more reserved than other families but that is what has made us survive this long."

"But, I am happy to say that the child of our ancestors has been born."

As Patriarch Yun said this the parents in the room started talking. This was just an old legend for the people of the Shepherd family.

"Patriarch forgive me, but are you sure this is no mistake"

"I don't think the Patriarch could make this kind of joke"

"Then are you saying one of your children is our family has been waiting on?" asked a worried parent.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm here to find out. One of the children here is supposed to be the child that allows our shepherd family to rise in power. This is finally our time to rise!" Patriarch Yun loudly proclaimed.

"Sir, but who's child is it?" Drake asked when a loud voice shouted out "Haha! Of course, it's my boy and no one else's, who else could it be?" Elder Mo Zen shouted.

The other Elders laughed and the Patriarch said "All of you should go back to your families and spend time a week from now we should find out who the child is. You can go back to your families if you have any more questions."

As Drake left the room he secretly wished it wasn't his child. That much pressure for an unborn person was too much to handle.