Young Master

It was about December of the year 3028 and Planet Narwhal was experiencing cold temperatures. Snow fell and a cold breeze was swirled on the outside.

Inside Jacob's Manor was an old frail servant man. He walked into the washroom of his young master and gave an exaggerated bow "Young master, forgive me for coming at an inopportune time, the patriarch ordered for me to summon you"

"Did I not tell you not to enter, can't I have a damn bath in peace" he replied as he relaxed inside the bathe, he had his arm around two women that played in his chest.

"Forgive me, young master. I made sure to inform the Patriarch but he insisted." The old servant replied. His mind was rushing thinking of what his young master would do to him. He dreaded the thought of him using for his daughter, he would have rather died.

"Annoying, Get off me I need to leave, you all can go back to your rooms " Jacob ordered as he got up from the water. He grabbed a robe and wrapped himself then proceed to walk out of the room.

After some minutes, he finally reached the meeting room with the elders of the family. The room was a luxurious conference room with different gems providing lighting and each of the Elders.

"Jeez child, Do you not have any respect!" Shouted Patriarch Yun.

"I didn't want to come here anyway. Tell me why you interrupted my bath, I'm freezing" Jacob replied. The old man only sighed "It's our fault for raising you this way, but this is how it should be. Strength over anything else."

"This is what we called you here for" he protected a hologram from his tablet and cast it in front of Jacob and explained "There are some Urcens that threaten to attack planet Crenos.

They repeatedly fly within planet boundaries and don't put us in their eyes. The other races are lucky that we do not take over this goddamn solar system but they still step on our toes!"

"They wish to hold a negotiation, with us being the strongest family on the planet they see us as the leaders. We need to be in their atmosphere by tomorrow."

"So this is what you called me out of my bath for?"

"The King of the Urcens foolishly decided we should fight princes. I think they want to take a gamble, If you lose it will make the negotiations go their way. If they think they can just pick a fight and run with their tails between their legs they are sadly mistaken."

"So do I kill this prince lad?" Jacob asked lackadaisically as he tried to fish out some was from inside his ear.

"Yes, that all. Just do that and everyone will follow suit and wipe them out, We have no intention of negotiating."

"Understood Yun, If that's all please don't interrupt my rest again" Jacob walked out of the family meeting headquarters.

"Drake, you have one hell of a boy there. It's a blessing living the most treasured life that our ancestors have yearned for. We would be fools to stay humble through these times, We need to make Planet Crenos bear the name Shepherd!" Patriarch proudly proclaimed to Jacob's father and the other elders all agreed.

"hahaha, they are lucky that we don't take over this planet!"

"This planet has been rightfully our in the first place, nothing is wrong with claiming what belongs to us"

"It's not easy being powerful, we have to be the ones to protect the planet. Other Segan families could never!"

While some elders were facetiously stating the tiring work that was on their shoulders. Others were more concerned about the conflict with the Urcens.

"Patriarch Yun, do you really believe the Urcens would cause conflict with us so blindly?" asked Elder Mino, he was now a middle-aged man and the youngest of the elder's next Jacobs father.

He was dressed in his signature purple and gold elders uniform.

"Mino you're too paranoid, the Urcens can want to take over Planet Crenos "Rebuke Elder Mo Zen, was an old man with fire-red eyes and he had a hunched posture that showed he was an old man "Stop killing the mood!"

"The Urcens are no fools. They won't pick meaningless fights" Mino rebuked. "It is you who are underestimating them."

"Enough bickering, the other families will send experts there to help us there is no plot. Only fools!" Another elder shouted.

The Patriarch raised his hand silencing them.

"Mino your intention is the best for the family but there is no way we lose. We are the ones keeping the planet together. The other segan families are no fools and they don't mend with each other."

Mino never dared to object patriarch. He only kept it to himself.

After the conference, Jacob walked to his room and fell on his bed.

Soon after his fiancee rubbed his cheeks as she asked "Honey, what's troubling you".

She was a tall young woman with long blonde hair and a slender figure. She had bright green eyes cherry red lips.

Jacob looked at Acacia and explained "I have to fight the Prince of the Urcens soon. Apparently, they are threatening Planet Narwhal and we have to face them" he sighed "Fighting is so tiring. Especially when it's someone strong."

"No one is your match. Don't worry about it, just make sure you come back to me ok?" Acacia kissed him on the cheek. "We will get married when you come back, ok?".

"Sure, you can plan it while I'm away," he replied.

They talked some more before they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jacob woke up early in the morning. He was about to leave his bed he was held by Acacia "This early?" with drowsy eyes.

"Just rest until I come back. This trip might take a week at most, you'll have enough time to plan the wedding" Jacob calmly said. Acacia closed her eyes and went back to rest.

Jacob detested late minute plans. It just dampened his mood, but he accepted that he wasn't a normal child.

Anytime the Shepherd family needed Jacob he would have to throw away all the plans he had.

He was special and praised earnestly as a genius, his family depended on him and feared letting them down.

He always did as he was supposed to he cultivated diligently. Jacob was always calm and quiet. He was a boy of little words, but he was a dragon in sheep clothing.