Beginning of the End

Jacob watched as his family members were killed. He wasn't close with the person that died, but it filled him with dread that he had to watch them die. It filled him with remorse.

More time passed and Zachariah, who was fighting off the two Xiantian Stage experts was nearing its grim end. He fought with his different weapons, no matter how and he fought there was no way he would have overpowered two xiantian stage experts.

The two experts work together and impaled him. As if that wasn't enough another one charged his weapon with a murderous light and hit it toward him. Zachariah was blasted and flung into the earth.

Zachariah's body was at the Xiantian stage and that meant his genes were optimized to their zenith, Zachariah could make his way across the world if they were not certain of his death. The two experts flew down to him and stared at the badly burned Elder Zachariah.

He looked like burnt charcoal, they went toward him and continued to blow him into smithereens. His body was still noticeable human but he was charred black. Again Jacob felt desolate knowing that he was gone for good.

Not long after the second elder was against another 2 Xiantian Stage experts. Because of Zacariah's death, he was fighting against his emotions. His fighting power took a nosedive and not long after he found himself crippled after a vicious strike left him crippled. His gene foundation was blown into nothing

Losing their strongest fighter, It wasn't long until everyone from the family had died, brutally slaughtered, right in front of his eyes. The whole sky was tinted red from the bloodshed.

Jacob watched as the Urcens celebrated their victory on the blood of his brethren.

"I'm surprised you are not bawling like a baby, but I suppose that's good because this is just the beginning." The King of Urcen who was next to him was summoned by a dark purple dimensional stone. This was an artefact that was used as a teleportation device. It would shift spaces with anything on the side of the corresponding stone; they worked in pairs.

"These were hard to come by at one point, who would've thought that the very same family who had these would give me just to destroy that said family. Life has a funny way of working".

  The King of Urcen fumbled with the stone and had a devious smile, "I thought my son was the only person at the gene core stage, even he is 20, I was surprised when your family offered to work with us to beat that said genius, but soon the only genius will be my son"

The King of Urcen activated a Dimensional stone and it shone with a bright purple light, soon it exploded and it took in everything within a 100-mile radius. They were in the sky on a platform and all the Urcen warriors were all sucked into the weird force.

Soon after, they were at a completely different scene.

Jacob was on a stage and the king of Urcen was right above him.

Below him were countless people of high status looking up from the crowd of families. Some wore a look of disbelief and shock while some laughed and others shouted profanities.

The stage was in the middle of the City.

It looked like the setting of a public execution.

On the stage with him, there were Elder Patriarch and Elder Mino. They were beaten into a bloody pulp. Jacob could barely recognize them.

The sky was overcast from the clouds that followed the King of Urcen.

Seconds later, Someone walked out onto the stage. He was dressed in beautiful formal robes. He was cleanly shaven and had a bright smile.

"Attention everyone! I know this may come as a shock to you all but allow me to explain. The Shepherd family has always been corrupt, they were too overbearing and arrogant, The thought of working for a family like that for so long saddens me to have worked for a bunch of imbeciles like them

The shepherd family never worked well with others, they only ruled with an Iron Fist!" Mo Zen shouted with conviction and raised his fist, there was an awkward silence then some muttering occurred.

"Do you all want to be suppressed by the shepherd family? Or do you want to work with us!" Mo Wen saw them on the fence and drove the final nail in the coffin.

"Yeah, they only had eyes on top of their heads"

"They never cared for the rest of us anyway"

"But they never made our life difficult, Is this justifiable?"

An Elder from another family heard their talk "Just because you don't see what the shepherd family has done doesn't mean that they are innocent, You lots don't know what they planned behind closed doors!"

Mo Zen looked toward him and said "Elder Shen from the Sehin family speaks the truth, not to mention that they have always been unfair, they robbed my son of the opportunity because they wanted to give this brat!"

He pointed toward Jacob.

"Having a potential of 13 is preposterous! There can be no such thing!" Mo Zen proclaimed, the crowd started gossiping about them living a lie, they thought it made sense, it was an out of the ordinary number.

All the families didn't believe a word, they knew it was a lie, but it was better to have such a threat be eliminated so as not to deal with it.

"Nonsense, I never asked for this neither have I lied!" Jacob shouted, he was angered and he shook madly but couldn't escape.

Elder Mo Zen scoffed "Shut up boy, the only reason he has power is because of the number of resources that they gave him nothing else" The crowd was quiet as they watched what was happening.

"You're just salty your son wasn't as strong as me, nothing else!"

"Shameless fool!, you still don't know your place" Mo Zen started to slap Jacob, he was so strong that it hurt Jacob a lot so it was painful even though he was holding back.

He would squeeze his bones to breaking point and listen to him scream. After he finished he spat "Hmph, just for you I will speed up this process".

He turned to the crowd and shouted "Let us begin the execution!"