Ms Universe System

As Jacob was falling into the abyss his life played out before his eyes. He realized he never truly had a life of his own, he just lived to listen to orders of people who only call themselves family. They all only used him, and it made him in the position he was in. He then realized his family was selfish, so was his father.

He couldn't curse the actions of his family who were already dead, Jacob was forced to accept it as his mistake. "I swear if I reincarnate in another life, I will live a life led by my heart, not for other people, I will stand above everything, I will never be used or oppressed".

Jacob slowly fell into the abyss, trying to make peace with his life before he died. He imagined his end would be around his family but realized this was better for someone like him. He regretted not living life the way he wanted.

He tried to close his eyes, making peace with himself. Then he felt a cold hand touch his face, his eyes jolted in horror. He saw a figure of a lady, but she looked weird. She never talked and she looked like the embodiment of outer space. Her body was a beautiful purple and she had shiny spots that looked like stars. She was nothing short of majestic. Her eyes were the same as well as her hair, they all looked like outer space.

"W-what the hell, who are you?". The figure ignored his question, She held Jacobs face as he was slowly falling to his doom. Jacob could not see any expression on her face, It was hard to discern.

The lady figure opened her mouth and kissed Jacob, but it wasn't romantic, because she slipped through him and entered his body. The figure entered his body as he fell to the ground.

Hours After Jacob woke up, he was disgruntled. He looked around only to see his body mutilated and broken. He felt no pain at that moment. Not long after, he let out a gut-wrenching cry, his broken body started being rebuilt. His legs cracked back slowly into their original state.

The rocks that punctured his body were pushed out and the painful process of healing began. It was just as painful as receiving the injuries themselves. Jacob passed out many times and brought up his last meal but nothing was enough to overcome the gut-wrenching pain.

It stopped for a second and he was madly hyperventilating and convulsing. A loud sorrowful wailing could be heard, it sounded like a voice in his head was crying, cursing profanities, It sounded like it was in pain and angry. The voice caused Jacob to cough unhealthy amounts of blood and sent his body into relapse. His skin started to separate from itself, but it went through the painful process of healing again after some time passed.

An unknown amount of time passes after he was getting destroyed, He felt a weird feeling on his arm that wasn't in pain, but instead gave off a cool feeling. He looked at his hand and saw the words "Accept me" in purple highlights. Jacob didn't understand but thought of the woman he had seen enter him. "Ms, please let me die, I don't want to live in pain, please".

"Stubborn fool!" He heard a loud voice in his head berating him, the loud voice shook his body into the worst position, It was like he was being crushed like a grape. The deranged cries of the woman resounded in his head. "You lesser being dare to fight back?".

The voice in his head shouted profanities that hit his anatomy like a bomb, it felt like he was going to explode. His bones cracked and healed, over and over again. "I- I accept. Just stop" he struggled to speak through the pain and could only say these words.

Jacob passed out, the feeling of his consciousness going away was bliss.

After a forgotten week, he finally opened his eyes for the first time. 'What the hell?" He looked at his body and he was fine, although he was a little weak, he wasn't in pain. 'Did that really happen?". It seemed like it was all in his head. He stood up and looked up to the top of the Abyss.

He looked up in awe at the distance he fell from. He was confused, "how did I survive?" He remembered the lady entered his body and wondered "Did that Lady?". After thinking for a minute he was not sure but things weren't adding up.

Just as he was about to take another step, purple writing popped in front of his face.

Name: Jacob Shepherd

[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Forgings: 1/10+]

[Damage: 0%]

[Lifespan: 3 years]

Jacob wasn't started because he had seen many holograms before, but had no idea what this was. The shock came when he turned around to walk away, the hologram followed his field of view.

"What the hell is this? Are you the Lady?" the screen disappeared after he said this, "Wait, what was that? Where are you?" the purple writing was gone but Jacob wanted to see it again. He saw his name and something scary at the bottom.

He called out multiple times but nothing came, he was just about to give up when letters formed in front of him.

[First Mission (Incomplete)]

Mission Objectives: Level - Normal

Explore the Abyss

100 Pull-ups (Incomplete)

Run 10km (Incomplete)

Fight 3 Beasts (None)

[Reward(s): Book of Forgings, Full System Unlock /Guide, Mission Pass]


What the hell? Is it the lady?

"What does this system do? If she is a part of me….does that mean…" Jacob thought long and hard about it, but he still failed to come to a definitive conclusion. "Dammit, this is so confusing, I went through all of that just to suffer more? Not only that, I'm still forced to do the biddings of my system? Why do the gods hate me?'

"Lady! What the fuck is this!" He shouted, but his cries fell on deaf ears. Jacob was angry and he stomped on the ground, "Fucking Bitch!". As soon as he said this, he jolted in pain as he held his arm, he looked at it and saw in bright purple lettering "Ms Universe"