Mission Progress

"I need something to start me off small, I might need to start smaller". After Jacob said that, a prompt appeared in front of him.

[Side Quest: Detoxification (Pending)]

[Genling roots: Genling roots normally grow in dark areas such as deep underground cave systems. They flourish in soil that is highly packed with nutrients, They grow small sprout from the topsoil about 3 inches. Genling roots normally appear over places with active wildlife.]

"Sidequest?" Jacob was surprised. It came with an illustration of said root that he should harvest and vague beneficial properties.

Jacob felt annoyed. He already had missions pending, now these side quests were going to make his work harder. He thought about leaving it alone but decided against it, he couldn't do anything else.

Jacob made sure his surroundings were safe and he never came across any spiders; he still moved with caution.

He tried not to forget about them because there was something the ants were afraid of that never made them give chase. He held his little light to the soil on the ground a dug little holes with his fingers. The soil was mushy, almost like mud, he smelled his finger and the soil came with a putrid smell, like faecal remains.

After hours of searching, he finally found one. It was skinny shrivelled green root with dirt and had an acidic smell to it. "This stuff would never be able to enter my line of sight before, now I'm literally eating shit roots and trusting the most untrustworthy system. How the mighty have fallen".

Jacob took the biggest bite of the root and the acidic taste slid down his throat. His face turned to disgust and expressions beyond that. It tasted like cement mixed with spoiled ketchup as he tried to swallow it. He coughed uncontrollably but was able to keep it down.

After calming his mind he went back to searching for more and not long after he found more. This time, he never ate them, he kept them until he was finished finding all of them. More hours passed and Jacob had a pile of Genling roots. He never counted it but he hoped he had 50 Genling roots.

He piled the roots together and gave a wry smile. They gave off a putrid smell that made him gag. He stuffed a mouthful of Genling roots and swallowed them as he puffed his chest and squeezed his nose to prevent himself from puking. He struggled for a minute then it all went down. This was followed by more coughing and gagging but held it down with his hand.

Jacob heaved for fresh air when he finally saw a notification in front of him appears.


[Side Quest: Detoxification (Complete)]

< Consume 50 Genling roots (53/50) >

After he saw this notification there was nothing more after that. "Is that fucking it? Where is my reward you goddamn piece of shit!". Jacob was outraged, he assumed there to be a reward for anything he does now he ate acidic roots for no reason.

"Dammit, now I'm just a shit-eating acidic root cripple…." He slammed the ground with both of his hands in anger.

Not long after he made a harsh gag that pained his chest. It almost seemed unnatural like vomit that was never coming. He tried pushing out whatever was caught in his throat but it was thick and burning. He choked on this substance until he finally vomited out his guts.

It was a semi-solid chunk of vomit, it could only be described as a fowl acidic stench.

< Detoxifying process completed >

Jacob's body never needed to be detoxified, his genes were powerful enough, but maybe that was not the case anymore. Maybe toxins were still present, they never hindered his gene


< Body Potential Unlocked >

< Toxins level lowered >

Jacob saw the prompts in front of his face but he couldn't pay attention yet, he was still trying to stop coughing. He left the area with the putrid smell, it didn't smell much worse than the rest of the cave. Jacob didn't feel any emotion, he only sighed. "I'm not even surprised, the only way from the bottom is up, "Jacob thought.

Surprisingly, he didn't feel crazy like he was expecting. In fact, he felt normal although parts of his body were still aching from the ant bites he got.

He could see the ants at the top of the hole still getting agitated over him being there which he found annoying. "Well I guess down here is home for now. Those guys don't seem to be going anytime soon". The ants were still standing guard around the hole.

Jacob posted up in a corner, trying to minimize his blindspots. He didn't know the time of day but he knew he was tired. He fell asleep and rested. He woke up after some hours and decided to give the missions his best shot for once.


Name: Jacob Shepherd

[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Forgings: 1/10+]

[Damage: 0%]

[Lifespan: 3 years]


Pending Mission - Level Normal

Explore the Abyss - 33.9%

100 Pull-ups (Incomplete)

Run 10km (3.33km)

Fight 3 Beasts (None)

[Reward(s): Book of Forgings, Full System Unlock /Guide, Mission Pass]


"Hm, Pull-ups are known to be a good workout, but why no push-ups? Those would be easier" This was only a thought for Jacob but he couldn't help but wonder. Ran around in circles in the cave, it wasn't hard for him but jogging that long was annoying for him, because 10km was a long distance.

He stopped then moved onto pull-ups. His fingers clipped onto one of the rugged edges of the walls. His fingers were barely attached to anything and were barely held on by his nail. It took some time but he shakily made his way to 100. His fingers nail were torn, but it was all in goodwill, he needed the systems reward.

Name: Jacob Shepherd

[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Forgings: 1/10+]

[Damage: 22%]

[Lifespan: 3 years]


Pending Mission - Level Normal

Explore the Abyss - 34%

100 Pull-ups (100/100 complete)

Run 10km (9.33km)

Fight 3 Beasts (None)

[Reward(s): Book of Forgings, Full System Unlock /Guide, Mission Pass]


"Jeez even after all that work I still didn't run 10km, surely this is some kind of mistake" Jacob wanted to complain, but he couldn't. Jacob looked at his next mission and had a headache immediately.