Final Moments

A loud impact sounded and she fell to the ground with shocked eyes. It looked like someone who had just been stabbed. All the spectating Ants had their pincers widened in shock, they were frozen in fear.

-"You are still unwise, I'm smarter than you! You are a fool, just like your mother!"-. The king Kuta spider shrieked. The Queen's abdomen had been broken, almost destroyed and she started staggering all over. The Queen rapidly started losing her strength.

The beam of light from the metal missed her on purpose. She was the target and it would not stop following her until it followed. It had been locked onto her abdomen since it was fired. Dodging it would have made no difference. She was careless, but one could say it was her inexperience with the nature of artefacts. Especially one with power like this.

It didn't have to be the complete artefact to deal with a killing blow, it goes to show the strength of artefacts.

"Who could have known that the king Kuta spider would have had something like this under his belt. It's definitely over" Jacob thought, It was only a matter of time till the queen would die from loss of blood.

The Queen walked slowly toward the King Kuta spider, she was not done.

-"Die peaceful, come any closer, I will end you. King Kuta sider shrieked"-, Although Jacob could not understand them he was able to tell that they were at the climax, They were both bloody and looked like they were at the end of the line.,

"I hope they both can die, I want to see how much of their body I can use'' Jacob wanted the fisherman's benefit, but it wasn't looking likely.


The Queen Ant let out a ghastly shriek. She charged toward the spider but he only glared at her coldly. -"Your just a fool dead!....wait why can't I move?. The king Kuta spider thought. When he was about to attack, he was frozen. No matter how hard he tried his muscles didn't listen.

The Queen was in bad shape, but her body jumped like she was trying to laugh. -You were doomed from the beginning!" she shrieked and coughed up more blood-. She pounced onto the spider and started tearing his flesh. The spider could not even cry out, he could only stand there while being torn apart.


The king Kuta spider released more beams from his artefact into the Queen Ants back. He did not need to move to control it, he used his mind. The queen ripped and tore anything in his body. She never stopped until his artefact fragment lost all its colour. It dimmed, and slowly died out.

The Queen ravage his dead body some more until she shrieked in victory. The ant colony followed her lead and cried out. "Did the Queen pull some sort of trick? Being able to paralyze your opponent is too scary", Jacob was able to tell what happened in the fight. "Good fight, I've never seen creatures fight"

The Queen only enjoyed her victory for a few more seconds, she went quiet and looked remorseful as she rubbed her abdomen. She looked over into Jacob direction let out a low growl then she fell on the ground.

Jacob was scared for a moment. He believed he was completely hidden, but the queen looked at him."Maybe she just looked over my head. It's a miracle she celebrated with those injuries"

The ant colony started to surround her and try to aid her dying body. Jacob just decided to watch, he was not able to do anything yet. While he watched the Ants movement he received a prompt.


[Lost Art Of Doom (Acquired) ]

[Would you like to accept now Yes/ No]

"Accept now? Can I accept it later?" Joey thought about it, but he wanted to see what he would really get so he clicked 'yes'. After he did this, a book started being pushed out of mid-air, then descended into his hand. It shone with some purple light before it dimmed and revealed the book.

"It came out of nothing! What?" Jacob had never seen anything like this, Normally it was Impossible for things to appear without a special stone called a Dimensional stone or maybe some unknown artefact, so Jacob was surprised.

It was a book with thick black covers. It had a weird font on the front saying 'Lost Art Of Doom'. The book looked unusual because of its covers, but it was a normal book that did not seem special. He opened a book and saw texts. It describes something gloomy.

"Doom brings devastation, Destroy the world and end all lives. Doom is Inevitable, all things must fall to doom" These were the first words in the book, It was the first 2 lines of a sutra. The message seemed powerful but Jacob could not yet practice it.

Name: Jacob Shepherd

[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Forgings: 1/10+]

[Damage: 90%]

[Lifespan: 3 years]


Pending Mission - Level Normal

Explore the Abyss - 84%

100 Pull-ups (100/100 complete)

Run 10km (13.4/10km)

Fight 3 Beasts (None)

[Reward(s): Book of Forgings, Full System Unlock /Guide, Mission Pass]

Jacob looked at his mission progress. "I guess hitching a ride with the queen finished the objective, All that's left is to fight 3 beasts." He didn't think he could do it, he felt he was too weak. "I wonder if it would count if I killed some of the smaller ants. The 3-metre ants are too scary, If I can kill some of the smaller ones then that should be enough.

After that I can lure them into the cave and find a way to lose them, then I can get the bodies to myself. That should be enough to finish the missions and gain benefits" Jacob felt his plan was sound. All he needed to do was kill anything below 3 metres and distract anything smaller.

The ants surrounded the queen's body. They mourned her death with low shrieks. They covered her body, soon after, they started to eat her and take apart her body. They did the same with the king Kuta spider and started eating his corpse.

"Dang, these guys even eat their queen. What do they deal with that?" Jacob wondered, was it to get a new queen? Or was it just natural for them to eat the body of their dead kinfolk? Jacob watched their actions some more until he finally decided to put his plan into motion.

He gathered some dry branches and leaves and pile them. He set them on fire and blew the smoke in the ant's direction. They were keen to the smoke. It affected their heightened senses, It made the larger ants retreat into the cave.