Man vs Ant (2)

It would be a waste of Jacob Energy if he kept fighting at a loss like this forever. They both backed off into a stalemate and stared dagger into each other's eyes.

Jacob smiled and made a motion with his knife that said come get some. The ant looked at him coldly as his fighting spirit rose and he fiercely charged toward Jacob with kill intent. The Ant was fast and rushed toward Jacob in an even more ferocious fashion than last time.

Power spread from the ants' gene core as he sent out several ferocious slashes toward Jacob. The strikes were too fast and powerful. It was several meters long and full of energy. Fighting superclass ants were much different, they had better control over their gene core and were able to send out attacks that were blazing toward Jacob.

To be able to send out that kind of power meant that the ant was among the strongest if not the strongest super creature here. Jacob had never seen any other that the queen used their gene core.

The attacks kicked up a lot of wind but Jacob watched the attacks closely. He never moved but his palm started to sweat. He never doubted his own power, but it was hard to trust something as sceptical as the system. It was the reason why he was still able to generate superhuman power from his muscles.

Jacob steeled his resolve and held the Super rare long knife in his hands. He stood like he had no intention to fight as the strike grew bigger. He dodged a slash and struk another. The energy tore Jacob's hands basically to shreds. The power was too big to be countered by the knife alone. The knife was extremely heated from the friction of the strike.

Jacob still stood after the Ants barrage of attacks. The ant was a lot more confident after he saw the damage he did to the hands Jacob.

Jacob's hand was burning like Mad. The weapon in his hand was heated as well and it was an unpleasant feeling burning his flesh. Jacob kept his depression stoic as he stared back at the ant.

It quickly lost its satisfied expression seeing how Jacob was acting. He knew he was just playing it off, but he wasn't sure. He scoffed in anger and screech as it lifted its front legs in the air, almost like a horse. When it hit the ground it causes a crack as it charged toward Jacob.

The ant was coming with tremendous power. Jacob braces himself as he sees the death charge made by the ant. It was an attack meant to finish him in one blow. Jacob watched the ant intently as he tried to find some fault with his attack but he was too nervous.

The attack came in like a rocket, he sidestepped and dodged a direct blow. The ant saw this and preemptively changed its direction toward Jacob. It was too late for Jacob to realize this and change it again.

Jacob was blown away with his knife in his hand by the magnificent strength of the creature. He fell on som and blew them up. The impact would have easily broken Jacob's body if he hadn't forged his body twice.

The creature never wasted any time as it charged toward where Jacob fell, Jacob stood up with the long knife in his hand and clashed with the charging ant.


An Earth-Shattering clang resounded. The momentum of the ant punches Jacob back several metres. The knife was practically in shambles as he struggled to stand up almost. It was surprising to the ant that he was not dead and even able to withstand his attack.

They were tied up in a power struggle before the ant made a swift retreat. The ant noticed something different about Jacob, but he didn't know what. Again Jacob made his injuries seem light.

Jacob moved like a ghost as he ran directly toad the ant. The ant thought of him as a fool trying to charge at him directly. Soon after he vanished. Jacob ran to the side of the ant and before the ant could react, he formed a fist while grabbing the knife and punches into the nodes of the super ant.


The blow made the ant feel crippling pain all over his body. His nodes were viciously attacked and they were its weak spot. The ant tried to evade its attacks but Jacob predicted his movements and followed his nodes closely and punched the step it took.

Jacob continued to predict the ant's movement when it did something bizarre. The ant fell onto its back and spread its legs out. Jacob stopped what he was doing because he wasn't sure what he should have done. He was out of breath and was relying on momentum to ignore the fatigue he would feel after he rested.

"Is it trying to defend its weak spot?" Jacob could tell that the ant was in a great deal of pain and did this in a bid to throw him off. The position was a bit odd, but it was effective against Jacob because he did not have the power to kell it in a single blow.

"How the hell do I kill this bastard, It's bullshit when he can take a break like this anytime" Jacob was annoyed. They had created their own battlefield but he had to focus on his main objective. The Queen egg was his main interest in all of this, he could see it being touched around like volleyball in the swarm of ants.

He thought about running and making a beeline toward the Queen's egg or the exit.


The Ant stood up back to its feet ready to fight. It looked like he was mimicking Jacob pretending he wasn't in any pain. Jacob didn't find it funny, in fact, he found it annoying because it was just scrambling on its back. So for it to be pretending like it was now was triggering.