Weird Creatures

The lady escorted Jacob across some plain. She answered anything Jacob asked without resistance. It was mostly silent other than the times Jacob asked questions.

She looked like she was struggling, "It won't make sense if you die before we arrive. You should take a rest if you need" Jacob suggested.

"Forgive me, We are almost there", she weakly smiled.

After a few more kilometres they came upon a path between two hills that lead straight into the mountain.

"This is where we entered the mountain."

"How long till we reach, where you guys fought"

"Not long, It shouldn't take us long to arrive. Maybe an hour or so"

After they spoke Jacob walked into the mountain. As Jacob came closer to the mountain, he realized it wasn't black, Instead, it was purple, it glowed with a purplish ambient shine that illuminated the tightly squeezed tunnel.

Jacob followed behind the woman and soon the tunnels began to open wider. Seeing this she said, "It shouldn't be long until we arrive-".

Jacob never responded as he continued following cautiously.

Suddenly his normal user interface appeared before him.


[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Cosmic Energy Level 0.1/100%]

[Forgings: 6/10+]


[Lifespan: 5 years]

[Mentality: 170 Hz+]





"W...what's happening?" He said surprised, his cosmic energy percentage started to rise.

He looked around before he realized, the purple light shone on his skin while his body soaked in the energy like it was a sponge. The energy felt good but he had never wanted the warrior to raise any suspicions.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, continue"

They both continued to walk through the meandering tunnels of the purple mountain. Jacob bruises healed over time and his body felt lighter the more cosmic energy. He absorbed It was as if he was walking on air, it made him slightly clumsy.

After walking around for 30 minutes Jacob was greeted with another prompt.


[Universal Rank: Infant Stage]

[Cosmic Energy Level 13.3/100%]

[Forgings: 6/10+]


[Lifespan: 5 years]

[Mentality: 170 Hz+]


[Upgrade available: Select stat to upgrade]

[10% Cosmic energy is needed to supplement upgrade]

-"So the '+' represents upgrades. This is huge! As long as I find more cosmic energy I should be able to cultivate faster" Jacob thought with great surprise.-

After he figured this out, he kept his attention on his screen. While following the warrior naturally.


As they walked further. A low raspy growl reverberated along the tunnels. It was enough to make the hair on the back of Jacob's neck stand up.

They both snapped their neck to look up at the beast. The creature was 6 metres tall. It had wrinkly metallic grey skin, It had a large head and large head with large black beady eyes and a small mouth.

The creature's head was attached to its shoulders with no neck. Two long massive arms hung from its muscular shoulders, and two thick legs supported its brawny torso.

The beast looked something like an alien. Its appearance frightened the duo.

"How...there shouldn't be…'s too soon", the female warrior was in delusion and could barely form sentences.

"Why is this here!"

"I...I'm not sure myself sir, Our group never encountered them so soon"

The lady looked distraught and weakened, she had no power to fight. The beast took joy in her weak state and charged after them.


The beast's raspy growl rang in the air of the duo. The beast's mouth drooled like dogs and flew aimlessly. It dragged its massive arms toward them and hammered it toward the woman to kill her.

She was already hopeless and gave up.


Jacob flew in between them blocking the strike with his stolen sword. His body vibrated as he was pushed back dozens of metres.

"This bitch just gives me more work!" Jacob cursed.

The beast's face turned into disgust. Its beady eyes turned cold as they flashed toward Jacob. His speed was impressive, it showed that the beast was not normal. It was unknown to Jacob what kind of beast it was. It was the first time he had seen anything like this.

It resembled no race he knew.

As the beast stuck toward Jacob, he parried the beast with his sword and at the same time activated the Lost Art of Doom and stuck it into the brass shoulder.

The strike ran across his body and left a black mark. The beast looked more annoyed than in pain, It flew into a rage and rushed toward Jacob.

"I'm tired of running from creatures, You bastard should start dropping dead" Jacob gripped the sword tightly.

The beast's skin hardens like steel, its skin glistened with light.

"Piece of shit!" Jacob let out a raging cry. He swung his sword that carried his pain and anger that he had to keep to himself, all the anger he wasn't able to release on anyone else.

The Doom sutra united with his sword. The razor-sharp slash bared down on the beast and impacted his fist.


A loud ear-shattering clang rang out from the impact. It sounded like metal grinding against each other. Sparks flew from the point of impact, the temperature of the tunnel rose quickly. Jacob's muscles started to cramp from his lack of food.


Jacob let out a guttural cry that exerted all his energy. His sword ran through the beast and cleaved into its neck. The beast ran back out of fright, blood began to rush from its neck and it went into hysteria.

Jacob's eyes were cold. He chased down the beast with his sword swung toward its neck, his sword carried the power of the doom sutra that cleaved the beast in half.

The sword cut into its necks and left out his waist and washed with blood.

Vibrations from the power struggle slowly died out. The tunnels soon fell quiet, Jacob was only out of breath. He chuckled then started laughing to himself like he heard the best joke.

"I killed him! I'm not someone anyone can just bully. You hear me" Jacob celebrated in the blood of his victim.


100 Power stones = 2 chapters

400 Power stones = 5 chapters

+1 Chapter Extra for every 100 power stone

10 Chapter Mass release at 1k colls