Deciding winner?

They both looked at each other. 

Jacob was surprised he found a method that would work without cooling him. thought Trevor was thinking the same thing.

After his initial surprise, Trevor began to glare at him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a tie. Both contestants have finished their shares!"

Tipton spike their cheers. Jacob walked up to the stage and turned to Trevor.

'I guess we both won. I don't mind sharing a house. I could do fine with just some of the money'

Jacob walked toward him, he was about to offer a handshake to end the contest peacefully, however. 

Trevor turned his gaze to the side.

Tipton never knew what to do, Jacob thought he was concocting some plan in his mind. This was why Jacob just wanted to call it a draw.

Even more than that, with the spotlight his mother will likely see him.

  He wanted to finish this quickly.