

As Jacob's word fell, a deafening cry rang out in the forest canopy. The students were immediately on the offensive, however, General Seki never flinched.

Instead, she was thinking about Jacob's words; they made sense.


The cry rang out again. 

Footprint appeared in the ground with a rhymic running pattern. As it got closer to the group General Seki reached out with her hand.

She caught whatever was running by the throat.

It screamed once more, as its camouflage disappeared and showed a 3-metre tall raptor. It was trying to bite General Seki's hand to escape.

Without trying, she turned the beast upside down onto its head and crushed it with her feet. 

The beast's body stiffened and went limp.

General Seki looked back to Jacob. Her expression was very weird and she never knew what to think.