Rabid Dog

Jacob looked slightly disappointed, but he ordered the feline to take them all up. obeying orders the feline flipped its tail throwing them on its back.

The group were heaved a higher sigh of relief.

However, they weren't out of the woods yet. As soon as they had their moment of relief Jacob came to them with an outstretched hand.

Byron never hesitated and handed over his bag gladly. Jents looked a little more reluctant but soon handed over his. 

Jacob looked into the bag as he got them. It was filled with many gene cores and essence crystals,

"What do you think?" Jacob asked showing the good to Lisanne, she was glad to start separating good from bad, throwing away the latter. This was done to save space. 

Jacob wondered if he should have brought to light his spatial ring, but it never seemed worth it. The faces of Jents and Byron looked shocked, Jents even looked slightly angry.