What happened here today

Silence filled the chamber after Jacob killed Earl. 

Lisanne was shocked that he followed through on his promise. Now she knew how strong and ruthless he can be.

"Y-you, k-killed him" Byron stuttered while shaking in fear.

In Lisanne's head, she was thinking the same thing. 

Jacob ignored them both at walked over to Jents who was gurgling on blood. He stomped on his head killing him as well.

The room was left quiet as they watched Jacob clean the bottom of his shoes. He did this until he turned around to Byron.

Byron flinched as he met Jacob gaze.

"I will make it painless" Jacob spoke walking over to Byron.

"W-w-w-w--wait, we can talk about this" Byrom screamed as he scrambled backwards until his back hit a heavy dead end.

Byron looked up and saw a large black feline glaring down at him, and made a sorrowful whimper.

"Please, s-s-surely we can work something outright" Byron pleaded.