Side of the Story

Two days passed since the incident of Jacob. He was not able to see the shockwaves it caused but many new outlets reported on the incident.

It was especially big since it was the first mission Icarus had been on since the school year.

The second day of school!

Because of this, there had been many rumours that the situation in the playground had deteriorated greatly.

It was Either that, or Icarus University was built off rumours.

This was what most of the internet was having a heated talk about.

Jacob was in a room with a doctor and a nurse. 

"Alright, that should be it. He should be all good now" The doctor said.

"Doc are the rest of them ok?" Jacob asked, keeping up his pity act.

The doctor never answered, neither did the nurse.

"Are you well enough to talk?" The doctor asked. Jacob nodded, he went to ask another question but was ignored.

"He is free now boys!" The doctor shouted.