Catching up

Inside the room was rather hot but Jacob was not fatigued.

"I'm sorry the place is so hot, I never expected to see you today," Lisanne said after finally sitting down. She looked still in disbelief and Jacob was still laughing at her disbelief.

Looking at her Jacob could tell he worked hard. Even though the room was hot she was relatively unbothered. Her hair was caught in a bun to not affect her while he was working. She wore a black overall with buttons over the shoulders.

In her pouch, she had some tools and her hands were in heavy-duty gloves. 

Due to their lack of seats, they sat on some Anvils that were not in use.

"Why have you been gone so long, I was so upset at them for not letting anyone search for you," Lisanne couldn't wait to ask Jacob all her questions but forced herself down to a single one. While she knew Jacob was strong she didn't know the extent of his capabilities so she worried about him a lot.