A shouting voice jolted Alex awake his heart began to race, the then calmed down a little and actually listened to what it was saying.
[???]: "Wake up, everyone be ready in an hour then you will eat, after that you will be prepared for today's activities."
That when Alex remembered the was not in his school dormitory, he remembered he was in a campsite somewhere deep inside Elsier Forest. Xavier too had woken up clearly also shaken by the shouting. They both looked at one another and began to chuckle, they then (both at the same time) looked at Darius. He was asleep, both Xavier and Alex knew Darius was basically deaf when he slept but this was insanity, so much so that Alex began to wonder exactly what else could Adam sleep through.
[Xavier]: "He looks like a baby, a soon to be drenched baby."
As he said this calmly as he pulled out a plastic bottle full of water, he then slowly twisted off the bottles cap and then...
[Darius]: "What the hell!"
Darius woke up with he shock of cold water, confused, dazed and groggy. He basically jumped out of his sleeping bag and pulled his hands out into a fighting stance. He looked around to notice an empty plastic bottle on the floor and Alex and Xavier laughing their heads off.
[Darius]: "Which o-"
[???]: "Wake up, everyone be ready in 55 minutes for today's activities."
Darius dropped his fighting stance, let out a frustrated sigh, bunched up his fists and spoke looking at Xavier.
[Adam]: "Did you do this!?"
Xavier nodded and as he was about to speak an impact hit the side of his face knocking him over (a punch from Darius). Alex stopped laughing. Darius then tore a fresh set of clothes out of his bag and put them on at what Alex would have call record speed, he laid out his night suit to let it dry then stormed out.
Xavier was laying on his, clutching the side of his face, still giggling.
[Xavier]: "Worth it, may get some swelling though."
Alex and Xavier too changed their clothes into something more suitable for hiking and caving. They then went to the food tent where they ate a very basic meal: toast, mushrooms and an egg.
After that they went and lined up in their groups at the fire site in the middle of the campsite.
Darius essentially power walked up to Xavier and while looking at the ground spoke the mumbled his words.
[Darius]: "Sorry, I got mad an-"
Xavier interrupted him and spoke.
[Xavier]: "I know it's fine all"
Darius awkwardly then joined the line and next to Alex and Xavier (it was a triple file line). Then ,after another head count, they were ushered into the coaches, the caving instructors also joined them. As the teachers explained they would go halfway to the caving site on coach, then hike about 10 minutes up hill through a dirt path to get to the cave.
And so they set off on their 30 minute coach ride.
As expected about 30 minutes later the coach came to a halt near a parting in the treeline by the side of the road, within it was a dirt road going up a moderately sided hill. The trip this time was no where near as bad as the trip they had taken to get to the campsite, this could be credited mostly to the weather being nice that day, not too cold nor too hot.
They were got out of the coach row by row.
After ANOTHER headcount they began to hike up the hill, it was a straight shot to the caving site. Alex, Darius and Xavier walked together and spoke briefly about the event ahead.
[Xavier]: "Lets just hope no one get lost or falls and dies!"
Darius and Alex nervously chuckled and glanced at each other. They were truly worried that may happen.
[Xavier]: "I killed the mood with that statement didn't I?"
[Alex]: "Ya, you did, don't talk anymore!"
One again as expected they arrived at the caving site in about 10 minutes. In front of the mouth of the cave there were racks of caving gear. Vests, hardhats with lights on them and double sided hooks. The instructors explained how to use the equipment (self explanatory really). And the everyone entered the cave's mouth, nothing of relevance was seen besides from a passage going down deeper into the cave. A passage which everyone was told to enter and so they did (surprisingly without any complaint).
The cave was breathtaking!
The cave was a greyish blue, light bounced off of small crystals in they cave making them look like small glowing orbs imbedded within the walls alongside moss. The cave was off limits for mining as it was protected by the government and the 'Funton Outdoors' company, thus it was largely unexplored (of course, they were informed of this).
The air was very cool within the cave and it felt calming. There were 2 passages in the cave leading even deeper. Looking up Alex saw a sight that made him jump and almost scream. Stalactites. Hundreds of them, looking like needles, facing down right above them, if ANY of them fell the others would (at least that's what they were told).
Everyone was permitted to roam about the room, many people were looking at the crystals, some admiring the vast amounts of 'needles' on the ceiling (Darius was with them), others were looking at the fungus trying to figure out its species (Xavier was with them). Alex was on his own looking for cracks in the walls (he was still paranoid) but found no major problems, nothing that would cause the cave to collapse. And so he let his guard down.
After walking around for a bit looking at different things (e.g. The 'needles', crystals, moss and also some bioluminescent insects some students found -which the instructors claimed were completely safe-, Alex was a little tired so he leaned against one of the parts of the room wall. That was when he heard it.
Alex had no time to react as the wall the was leaning on gave way. Alex fell back and felt his feet slide back as he fell into an empty cavity in the wall.
[???]: "ALEX!"
The light of the cave Alex saw began to fade as he fell deeper into the wall cavity...