
The novel 'A Journey through the Center of The Earth' by Saad Sarwar is a sequel based on the famous novel 'A Journey to the Center of The Earth' by Jules Verne. It has a separate story and separate scheme of characters used as in the novel of Jules Verne. Although the main characters Axel, Grauben, Hanes and Professor Lidenbrock are used as supporting characters. The main character of this novel is Ben Tennyson along with his cousin Gwen and his boyfriend Kevin. They all have magical powers. Ben Tennyson is a famous character among children and fiction lovers which is created by Man of Action Studios. The author of the novel tried to compile both these character altogether to make the story more interesting. Although the characters are pre created but the story of the novel is unique. The places used in it are real and accessible. The other characters included are Max Tennyson, Azmuth, Julia, Jimmy Jones, Ben's aliens and his enemies. The terminologies in the novel are easily understandable for Ben10 lovers and for those who watch it episodes keenly. It is also interesting for those who have read the novel of Jules Verne. The Novel consisted of two parts. In the first part the story remains just till the beginning of their journey. The second part is full with their adventure inside the earth. Its all about the mysteries and dangers they will face inside and how they will cope with them while having superpowers. We hope that the readers will definitely enjoy this novel