At Lidenbrock House

The three friends were in Lidenbrock house. They were in front of an old, charming man, Axel Lidenbrock, sitting on his comfortable arm chair, lighting his cigar.

'So you are the family of my dear Max Tennyson' Axel said while smoking his cigar.

'Yes Mr. Axel. Grand pa has suggested us to visit you. You had sent him a precious book of Arne Saknussem.'

'Oh! That book!' Axel rose up from his chair and started looking out of window.

'A book about a mysterious journey. I am so glad to say I was the part of it.' He continued. 'I knew that Max will be as excited as I was.'

'Grand pa wishes that we should repeat it once again' Ben described.

'Ben! I know you. Young man!' Axel said calmly. 'I can see your hidden potentials. I have seen you fighting with evil monsters to protect the mother earth. Hence you have the actual right to explore it.'

'Can you please guide us about it? Would you like to join us?' Gwen asked.

'I am sorry kids. I am too old and weak to join this journey. I am not as adventurous as my late uncle Professor Lidenbrock were, neither I am as active as you kids are. Although I have a written description of all about journey we had made. It is in this diary. And before you leave I will surely provide you the translated version of this ancient book which has been translated now. 'Axel explained while sitting calmly again on his arm chair. 'We had a guide named Hans, a very strange and mysterious man I have ever seen.'

'Can we meet this man, Hans?' Kevin asked

'Perhaps' Axel answered.

'But where and how?' Ben asked quickly

'I had never found him again since that day he left us.' Axel said while smoking his cigar calmly. Meanwhile a gorgeous and attractive old lady brought a tray having tea and snacks.

'Hello Mrs. Grauben!' All three friends were on their feet.

'Oh hello kids, how are you?' She embraced Gwen and kissed her cheeks. She blushed. 'What's your name pretty girl?'

'Gwen! Gwen Tennyson' Gwen kissed her too.

'Ehm ehm! I am Kevin and this is Ben' Kevin poked his nose in.

'Oh! So sweet!' Grauben slightly slapped on his cheeks, he blushed too.

'And you Mr. Hero, Ben Tennyson, My boy! I am one of your biggest fans'

She held his hands in a humble way.

'Mrs. Grauben! It's my proud' Ben shied

'Oh! So humble you are my kid. I can't explain how glad that I meet you all kids.' She was speaking in such a gentle way that all of them were moved.

'Mrs. Grauben you are also a very humble and gorgeous lady. We are also much pleased after having such a wonderful meeting. We consider ourselves lucky.' Gwen added.

'So kind of you are my girl. Have seat kids and please have some snacks.' They all sat down. Kevin hurriedly picked up some and made his mouth full. Gwen stared him. Axel showed them old photographs of the great Professor Lidenbrock, who honoured him to be the part of such a wonderful adventure. Mrs. Grauben offered them lunch. Kevin was seemed to be agreed but they had to left as a long journey was about to begin.