At Alta

Early in the morning they woke up and roamed over the hills at the land of mid-night sun. Kevin captured these awesome moments in his camera. He was feeling great to have his love with him on such a romantic sight but somehow he had to realize that they are on a typical and most strange adventure.

'Wow! It's really amazing' Kevin expressed his emotions while holding Gwen's hands. 'We shall arrange a trip afterwards Gwen!' He looked in her eyes. She looked back.

'We are on a task. Kevin!' She smiled.

'Hey! Listen!'. She ran away. Ben came forward having Smoothies in his hands. He handed one to him.

'Gwen! Take your Smoothy.' He called out. Kevin picked some snow from ground and put it in his Smoothy.

'Shrrrrrrr...' They both were making noises loudly while taking their smoothies.

'I wish to see Somo slammers while sitting here on the sight.' Ben said with amazement.

'Not a bad idea.' Kevin finished his drink and made a loud noise. 'You may fulfill your this wish under here.' He pointed down the ground and threw empty cup there.

'Bad manners Kevin!' Gwen joined them. She picked the cup and threw it into a basket under the camp.

'Opps sorry!' Kevin said. 'But where we are? What this place is called?' He changed the topic at once. Gwen picked her laptop and found the location.

'We are at Alta. We are near to Alta fjord.' Gwen said.

'But where is that crater?' Kevin asked.

'I estimate we are at top of the Norway' Ben estimated.

'No Ben! There is much more ahead this all.' Gwen was continuously typing.

'Where? In the sea?' Kevin was confused. Ben phone rang. Ben received.

'Ben! Ben Tennyson! My hero!' It was Jimmy Jones.

'Jimmy!' Ben recognized him and took him on video call.

'Yes! Jimmy Jones. Your biggest fan.' He was speaking passionately.

'Yes Jimmy! What's the matter? Is everything fine?' Ben asked.

'Ben I know about your adventure, your journey through the center of the earth. A supper dupper adventure for a super dupper hero.' He was delightful.

'Who the hell told him about it?' Kevin murmured.

'I have something to tell Ben!' He said

'What is that Jimmy?' Ben asked.

'Ben you have to go towards southern Island of Norway which is named as Svalbard. There you will find a place named Nordanstlandet between the seas of Greenland and Barent.' Ben note down his briefing.

'Here you will find a fjord, wood fjord, which will lead you to Halvdenpiggen.'

'Aen! Pigeon!' Kevin exclaimed.

'In the south you can find a crater, Krateralva. This would be your starting point where you would start your journey.' Jimmy proceeded. Kevin held his head in hands.

'Wow great Jimmy! So kind of you' Gwen said and Ben thanked him.

'Jimmy! Who told you about our journey?' Kevin asked.

'Well I am not the only one who is aware about it.' Jimmy told.

'Then?' Gwen asked.

'Everyone who has plumber badge is aware about your ultimate Ultimatrix. Perhaps they do not have details about your journey. I have taken details from your Grand Pa Max. Ben!' He explained.

'Are you certain the path you are describing is accurate? What you have told means we are far behind than the starting point' Gwen asked.

'Yes I am perfectly sure. You may confirm it by any mean. I am mailing you a detailed map which I had sketched for you Ben! Go ahead! My best wises are with you. Even I will try to join you in the middle' Jimmy said.

'Oh Hello! We are going beneath the earth. We are not visiting Switzerland.' Kevin said in frustrated way.

'Kevin..' Gwen stared him crossly.

'What!! Ok! Ok!' Kevin put his index finger on his lips.

'No need jimmy. You have already made our work much easier. We are so thankful to you.' Gwen said to Jimmy.

'Everything does for my dear super duper Ben10. All the best team!' He said and call disconnected.

'So we have to head towards Svalbard now.' Ben read out from his notebook.

'Let's have some breakfast now. Then we will move.' Gwen said and they all moved in and had their breakfast. They had to fly more ahead. The journey was about to begin but some extreme hurdles were waiting on the way.