
She remembered having passed by friends. The street was vague. Time was between dusk and dawn.

The dark object was coming slowly, but fast enough so that she couldn't move. It was silhouette-- solid, dark, gray, round, as the shape of an injurious bacteria that was ready to stick to her body, but large enough to swallow her whole. Isabella tried to shrug it off. It wouldn't move. She couldn't shake it off; it clung to her like jellyfish. At that moment, she couldn't think of anything. She couldn't move either. She felt totally helpless. Then, she heard herself praying to God.

Two angels from nowhere, appeared, one dark, and one like snow and lightning. They landed on the ground with strong large feet and huge wings similar to a bird, but their bodies were that of humans. Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. Then, the messengers positioned themselves ready for combat, both having thrust and sickle and they fought hard and long. The dark angel fainted at the white angel, falling on the ground, burning.

Isabella woke up from sleep breathing heavily because the dream was like real. She went down in the kitchen, took a glass of water and drank. Then, she went to bed again.