Journey to the 5th Mountain

Once Alex dug out some of the roots from the tree, letting the majority be, he left to find better ingredients in the mountain.

The 3 beasts of the man looked awkward and restless as they ran around the mountain like headless chickens.

Alex still couldn't tell from their behavior if the young man was sent outside or not.

Even if he was sent outside, did it really matter? Wouldn't using the monument just send you back inside?

Well, that was one safety net that Alex didn't have, so he had to be careful.

"Do you want their cores?" he asked Pearl. 

"Meow!" Pearl said, telling him that they were too weak to be his food and that he wouldn't eat something that he didn't win himself anymore.

Seeing how lacking in will the 3 beasts were, Alex only felt sympathy in his heart and let them be.