Artificial Scarcity

The surface of the Floral lake was filled with flowers and flower petals. Some of the flowers were aquatic plants that had grown in the lake, but most of the flower and petal was actually something the wind had blown here.

Hidden beyond the flower and petals was muddy yellow water, that was certainly polluted by the various waves of pollen that flew out from the platform at the center, the Forbidden Orchard.

There were warnings around the side of the lake telling people to not enter the lake or drink its water as it was filled with poisonous pollens which couldn't be separated from regular pollen, so Alex stood away as he watched it.

He had spent such a long time going around the city before coming here that he was just in time to see the sunset over the lake.

When he watched the colors of the setting sun and the purple sky, he couldn't help but think about Scarlet.