The First Shadow

Even as Alex arrived at one of the eastern cities of the Southern continent, he couldn't help but wonder if he had made some sort of mistake. 

He had left on what could only be taken as an impulse and had not thought of how it would affect other people's lives.

He had left a letter behind explaining that the council members shouldn't try and find him and keep the illusion that he was still hidden in his room.

He hoped that would keep unnecessary people from trying to find him.

The city he was in currently was named the Sundering city, also known as the First Shadow.

Alex looked at the massive tower-like spire that rose to the sky at the east and understood why the city was called what it was called.

Due to how tall the spire was, before the sunlight even fell on this city, it would fall on the spire and its shadow would fall into these lands that wouldn't leave until the sun was really high in the sky.