Puppet Battle

Alex was the last person to enter the room, so the challenge began the moment he was in.

"This is the Puppet fighting challenge," the voice said as it began explaining the challenge of this room. "You will each be assigned a single puppet, each of which has the same strength. You will be randomly assigned an opponent, and you two will have to fight until one of you gets the required amount of points."

"Hits below the elbow and knee won't give you any points. Hits on the thigh and arm give you 1 point. Hit to the torso gives you 2 points, and finally, hit to the head gives you 3 points."

"A single loss means you can't fight until the next challenge. You will have to win twice to move on. Finally, 3 consecutive challenges lost will send you back to the first floor."

"Please connect with your puppet."

A puppet appeared in front of everyone and they were all given time to connect with it.