The Final Verdict

The crowd of painters looked back in surprise toward Alex. Even Senior Ran and Tian Honglui were surprised at his words.

"Your majesty," Senior Ran spoke with a soft smile, seeing Alex try to help them. But it was already over.

"We are happy to hear Your Majesty loves young Honglui's paintings," Senior Guan said. "But unfortunately, you must be a painter to—"

"Be a painter to what?" Alex asked. "To judge the painting?"

Senior Guan tried to continue speaking but paused as he stared at Alex who stared back at him directly. "Are you saying that just because I am not as good as you all in putting colors on paper, I am not fit to judge the quality of one when it is put before me?"

"No, that's not what I mean," Senior Guan quickly said. "It's just that only painters of this continent are allowed to evaluate and judge it."