The Requirements

The dark fog surrounding Alex and the old man didn't seem real at all. It was like an illusion at best, but even illusions were somewhat real, made of light and Qi.

This one, though, seemed fake. He couldn't explain it exactly. It was as if the thing shouldn't exist at all, and yet it did. 

He couldn't make sense of it. 

The old man looked at him expectantly, wanting some answers. Alex sighed and gave in. 

"I fainted last year, but after waking up, the elders allowed me to take the test alone. They were impressed enough that I was allowed to join."

"They allowed you to join?" the man asked something in his mind poking at that information as he felt something odd about that. There was something there he had to know.

"Wait, but then why are you here?" the man asked.

"I was allowed to leave and go back whenever I wanted to," Alex said before placing back the two items in his hands.