The Penultimate Competition

Alex walked into the hall meant for the participants and found Jai Heiyun sitting alongside a few other people, talking among themselves. 

"Oh, hey. You're already here." Alex walked up to her, and the others cleared up a space for him. He had established himself as one to look out for in the tournament, so people were wary and courteous to him now.

Jai Heiyun greeted back, smiling, and gave a small introduction of the friends she had made just then. Alex talked to them, waiting for more to come.

There wasn't much time before the tournament, so it didn't take long for the rest to arrive.

Leafheart arrived next and greeted everyone before going to sit in her own corner. Aethersage came in next, walking up to them to sit with them.

Many others came afterward, and then there were no more. The time for people to participate was over. Anyone who came afterward would be considered disqualified.