The Final Upcoming Test

When the Alchemy God left, Momo found herself feeling so relieved that she nearly felt weightless. Her heart still beat as fast as ever, but it was now winding down, and her nervousness was replaced by a feeling of pure joy and happiness.

She heard the noise from above, marking her completion. Her name had appeared out of nowhere, landing her 7th overall in the competition. She wondered how much faster she would've completed it all had she not been sidetracked by her Dao.

She was excited to learn this new Dao, which she didn't even know existed before, but at the same time, she felt guilty that her Dao had to come at the cost of her master's advantage in the tournament.

The Divinity who stood next to her finally smiled at her again. "Congratulations on passing."

Momo looked toward him, only just remembering his presence. "Thank you, senior," she said hurriedly. "And… I hope you can forgive my rudeness earlier. I did what I thought was right."