Grimsight fell silent for a moment. "I will think about it. I promise."
Killshot smiled and nodded. "I know you will," she said. "Anyway, I think we better get out before they get curious about what we're talking about here. Can't let the Storm God learn of our talks."
"Does he know you're trying hard to stop the war?" Grimsight asked.
"He should know an opposition is forming, but I can't confirm if he knows I'm part of it or not," Killshot said. "Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes asking me to be on his side. But then, he would probably start asking questions about what we talked about, and I don't want that. Hiding things from them is already difficult enough."
She began walking toward the door, a flurry in her steps. Grimsight simply watched her leave, doing nothing to stop her.
Just as she reached the door, however, she stopped and turned around. "Actually, I wanted to ask you something," she said.
"About what?"