Silvermist hesitated a little when it came to answering the Alchemy God's queries. He needed to make sure he worded this correctly. It was a confusing time for him, as never before had he had to walk on his tiptoes so much. He was a man who could speak what he wanted to speak and deal with the consequences later.
But with all the gods around, he needed to be cautious about what he said.
"Momo has shown interest in learning under you, Your Majesty. I only heard about it last night, and I do think it is a wise choice for her to join you. But, just in case she does change her mind, we would like to ask for some time."
The Alchemy God raised an eyebrow. "Does she really consider coming to learn under me?" he asked.
"She does," Silvermist said. "But as I mentioned, we would like to be sure."