Warring Men

The world around him was obviously fake, but to Alex, it seemed as real as it could be. It was as if he was in the sky, looking down on a large landscape of rolling hills. A large forest grew on this land, dense in some regions, sparse in others.

Alex was connected to this place through the headband. He could tell that much.

"Do you like it?" the War God asked. "It's a nice piece of treasure, is it not?"

"It's… an illusion, isn't it? Do we play the game here?" Alex asked.

"We do. We have two opposing armies that we use to fight each other. There, I've made 5,000 for each of us."

Just as the War God said those words, Alex saw dark spots all around the forest below him. Without even thinking, he could tell there were exactly 5,000 people there. Not only that, he could tell each one of them was a mortal too.

It was a weird feeling to have this information without even having to think about it.