The audience applauded the end of the war, giving voice to their feelings. The cheers grew loud, louder than at any other time. These people had been in dire need of entertainment, and finally, they received it.
The War God waved in every direction, his smile wide for all to see.
Alex simply sat there, stunned by the end of the war. He still couldn't make sense of the ending.
The War God finally took his attention away from the crowd when the cheering began to die down and looked toward Alex. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Are you sad that you lost?"
Alex glanced toward the War God and shook his head. "Not sad, as much as confused. I can't tell why I lost."
"That's simple. You lost because your opponent was me. You didn't think that you could win against me, did you? I would have to give you my title otherwise," the War God joked.