7. A Month From Past

"He did not ask for the things he's been through, and he certainly didn't ask his mind to paint and repaint these in his flashbacks, but who does fate listen to!"



"You sure of this? We can't do this blindly." I heard Mr. Hughes talking to someone in his office. I always felt suspicious of him, how he always left with those worried expression from meeting room while getting a call. Also I found a huge amount of knots in company's finance reports past a year that I think no one looked upon. Software department has been having a number of profits in terms of response from users and monetary terms in it's tentative reports and papers but final overall reports showed otherwise. Huge losses? How? How can a product, that's used and loved by half a population be earning only one-fourth of it's value.

Its been half a year since I entered The Giant Matthews and nothing seemed normal. Being one of the prestigious firms in state, it told otherwise from inside. I have been preparing financial reports for it and examining and analysing it's accounts report, it's got something missing. Americano in one and report file in other, I moved towards my cabin. Sipping soundly, I analysed each point and value, something's missing.

"Enjoying your drink?" Suddenly Leena approached my mind interfering in my attention. "It's lunch time. come on. Let's have something tasty." I never knew why, she was quite clingy. Always appearing every where I go. She was a part time in creative department yet attends office like a full time. "Let's goooo." She pulled me with her despite my disapprovals. I didn't have any appetite right now. But My stomach was growling too since I didn't have my breakfast so I gradually gave in because right mind needs a filled stomach.

We were at the top floor cafeteria having our meal while I was totally into the reports. "What's with this cute little date! Mind if I join?" Yohana appeared out of nowhere with a tray of food and took a seat beside me.

"Long time hun. We work in same firm and yet can never meet each other much." Leena commented at her.

"Yeah, because we're here to work not to get together." Finally I spoke up after a long silence. "And it's not like you must meet everyone you work with. sometimes it's better to keep your appropriate distance." I added looking at Yohana. There I saw a sweeper taking away trash from shredding machine and suddenly it occurred to me. I excused myself and asked for that trash from him and took that away with myself in my cabin to find if I get answer to my questions.


WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!! What did I just find! Finally I found the answer. It was right in my hands. I rushed towards Mr. Ryan's office and entered after knocking. "Look what I found."

It was a puzzle I just solved from those shredded papers. "what is it?" He asked locking the office door so no one could hear. Not only me, he too was suspicious of his own employee in his company. I showed him the original pieces of paper pasted together of the finance report. There was a concealment of 5 million dollars in previous month. This much amount has been missing from the company. "It's such a large amount. But who can it be?"

"I have a bit of uncertainty on a number of employees in finance and production department. But they are at such a high post that I can't be sure of it." I explained.

"Yeah. I too have my suspicion on those only. Infact I'm quite sure of it. " Mr. Ryan patted my shoulder understanding me.

"Then why don't you turn them in for misleading with company's official papers. It's a kind of theft." My voice louder, I emphasised.

"I can't yet. You see, They are at such high posts that shaking them off will shake the roots of the firm and also one of them is the son of the highest shareholder of our company." He reasoned having his seat. "I know it boils your blood too. I felt like that too. But you can't do anything alone. I've had this doubt since the first year I entered this post. Might there be other ones like you and me. But no one has come out yet to confirm it."

What does that even mean? No one realised such thing happening here or no one came forward to alter this!? "Let me help you then." I spoke up making him look at me deeply. "Let me help you alter this happening. At least I can help with such matters being an employee."

"You sure?" He rose one of his brow and I nodded. "That's good then. That's why I started to like and trust you from the first day here." He added smiling. "I don't know what grudges does Yohana have against you that make her hate you so much when she's my sister."

"I don't know too lol. I too don't like her much. Her vibe always seems off to me." I said shrugging.

"Okay. That's between you two. I won't interfere with that. Let's talk work first."


Taking shredded papers and some files to the dorm to analyse the projects and their reports to find anything I get as a proof. I found the potential list of employees engaged in these loopholes taken. Solving these puzzles of shredded papers, I found everything, the bills, receipts, cheques, cash reports, account reports, review reports, that too.. everything original. "The fuckkkk! Such a players they are. Particularly that Mr. Hughes."

The next day I hurried in Mr. Ryan's office and showed him everything. "Holy shit is it!" He was totally taken aback with the original reports. "It means, the ones showed to main office were all manipulated."

"yeah. now what to do? Should I show these to administrative department.?" I asked.

"I don't think so. These are from the past. Won't be effective now. It will just cause him some penalty." He replied having a deep thought. ' we'll have to collect more and catch them red-handed." Roaming around the office he explained.

Exiting the office, I saw Mr. Hughes approaching me. "You got a minute?" He asked smiling. I got a feeling of something fishy going on while moving towards his office and perched down. "Shall I order something for you?" I denied politely. There really quite awkward and suffocated atmosphere in the office. "Don't be nervous around me boy. I'm always here for people like you. Consider me your well wisher." His smile getting bigger with each word and his words were like dipped in honey jar.

Acting all clueless I asked, "What do you mean?"

"You know, you see, I think you're swayed away from your original track of duty and responsibility. Why roam around and intervene with other's work and life when you already got yours. You getting extra salary for that?" He started with his words and I knew already where he was getting to. "If you want extra salary or you're in need of financial support I can provide you with that without doing extra work. Or any help you need I can Provide. You are like a younger brother to me."

"Sorry? I didn't get what you said." Acting innocent only could open his mouth.

"You're way too naïve my little boy. Let's not beat around the bush then. You see I have a great sense of vision. I saw you with those files and papers and I know where you're getting towards." Finally he came out bold. "You're not doing it right you know. What can you do alone? hun? And with those trivial proofs?"

"You don't know what can a person do with his will power yet." I said firmly. Is he challenging me or what.

"See boy, you're getting impulsive here. Think properly with peaceful mind. Getting all rushed up in making decisions can have you regrets in future." Waiting for a moment he spoke up again. " You can think peacefully at home and answer me tomorrow. Benefits are maximum if you hold hands with me. " When I didn't say anything he added. "You get in your right mind first we'll talk then" Crossing his arms in relaxing posture, he explained.

I started then, "I'm in right mind right now Mr. Hughes. You know, not everyone is same and my ethics and conscience doesn't allow me to deceive anyone. Maybe I'm impulsive right now, maybe I'll regret this decision in future when in need of money, but at least I won't ever be guilty of deceiving my conscience." I politely rejected his offer. "By the way thank you for showing so much concern for me. I already have many for that." With that I got up to leave. But his last words got me in a tizzy.

"Aw, why are you getting so burned up! It's fine if you don't wanna have any relations with me. Or any help with me. But I'll consider this offer open for you always, You can approach me anytime for any help." I bowed and turned around to leave at that when, "But!" He continued. "I think you're quite fit and don't have any illness right?" I nodded in agreement. "Aaahhh I see. Then you might also have heard about the deaths of employees taking place in this company. There are many myths going on here also. You should take care of yourself too." He signaled me half smirking and directed me to leave.


His words gave me chills down my spine. What did he mean with that. I couldn't work properly the whole day with his words in mind. Totally zoned out, I decided to have some tea down the cafeteria and think properly. During that time I saw Yohana, Vanessa and Daniel talking at the last table in cafeteria and I joined them to put my mind elsewhere. "Hey guys. Wassup!" I cheerly asked. We chatted for like a few minutes and decided to have a supper out to celebrate Daniel's promotion.

It was really a stress buster for me to go out after quite a long time and have fun. The next day I entered Mr. Ryan's office to show him the recording I had of my conversation with Mr. Hughes the previous day when he was talking on the mobile. He appreciated my quick wit of recording the conversation but it was not useful much. "Yeah a number of deaths occurred in our company. Some were accidents and some were heart attacks or something like these. But now I'm having an incredulous thought of these to be murders. All those employees were very hard working and honest. Might they also have found something that costed them their life." In a deep thought he talked to himself with his back at me. Turning around," Sang-tae, now just back off from this leery and return to your normal work." He commanded firmly.


"I can't pay with anyone's life for catching him and others. Now I know what I have to do." I was about to say something when, " Don't go anywhere doing your things before telling me and just do things behind the curtain what I tell you to." HIs mobile started ringing at that and that made me leave his office.

From that moment on, the real investigation started out of everyone's view.


*Flashback ends*