I'm home

"Mommy do you think they will like me?" Caden asked on the way to Primrose.

"They will love you. Your grandpa is excited to see you. He's been waiting for you." Jayden answered.

I was getting nervous. I don't know if they're mad at me. Jayden's father has been very kind to me but I left them without a word.

I know our friends have been trying to contact me, Alora might be fuming mad right now. Kyle and grandpa might be disappointed as well.

I took a deep breath when the car entered Primrose. Jayden held my hand, squeezing it. He was reassuring me that everything's fine.

"We'll be staying at Queen's for a few days. You could visit the house tomorrow with Emily to make the final touches of the interior before we moved in." He said 'we' so he won't be staying in Queen's. That was a relief.