As you wish, master

Jayden POV

It was three in the morning when I finished all the papers. When I looked at the couch, Peggy was lying there, sleeping. I smiled and walked towards her. 

She fell asleep while waiting for me. I brushed my hand to her face. Her hair scattered beautifully on the couch pillow. I loved watching her sleep. She was the only one who made my heart at peace.

When she left me, I became a different person. I became violent and my anger grew everyday for her. I thought I could forget her but I can't. I thought I could hurt her. I planned to, once I meet her. But when I saw her crying when I forced her the other night, everything she did vanished. My heart was broken when she suddenly left me but it was crushed when I hurt her. I hate to admit that I am still head over heels in love with her.