Heavy Steps


They just arrived a week ago and now they are leaving again. She looked around their room, reminiscing her days with Jayden. She remembered this scene when she was about to leave him three years ago. The only difference now is Jayden knew about it.

"Mommy, are you ready? Let's go!" Caden exclaimed while pulling her hand.

She looked at her son and smiled. He was on her belly when she left the country before and now he's a three year old kid, growing so fast looking a lot like his father.

She crouched down and embraced him tight.

"Mommy, you're sad because we will leave daddy." He said.

She released him and stared into his eyes, holding his shoulders.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me. You are my life and my joy so I won't get sad." She tried to smile and not to go emotional in front of him.

Caden suddenly touched her cheek.