Question and Answer

We decided to start our question and answer while driving to town. Kyle and Emily couldn't come with us but will follow later since they still have royal duties.

"My first question. What's your favorite food?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Right now, italian food."

He nodded.

"My turn! Are you an only child?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. So what places have you visited for the past three years?"

"Italy, US, Hong Kong, and Australia. We travelled back and forth to those countries." I answered.

When the traffic light went red, he stopped the car and looked at me. My heart skipped a beat while looking back at him. He became serious.

"I admire you Margaret. You lived with your lady guard and your son for three years without asking any help from anyone." He commented.

"Well, I couldn't. I was hiding." I answered, softly.

"Why? Could you tell me what happened?" He suddenly asked.

I started telling him about Jayden.