Emails from the past

I looked around again to search for him but I couldn't find him. Where is he? Is he pranking me? I thought to myself.

I got curious about the emails he just sent, only to be surprised. It wasn't dated today. The first email was dated on the day I went missing.

My heart started pounding and my hand was trembling when I opened the first email.

'Peggy, this is the first night that I would sleep without you. The room seems empty as well as my heart. Where are you? Are you safe? I want you to know that I'm worried. I am hoping I know the reason why you left. Did I do something wrong? Please come back. I promise I will change. Please be safe.'

Tears started flowing from my eyes. This was a scheduled email.

I read the other emails and it was all about how much he misses me, his search for me and the loneliness he was feeling without me.

I opened another email dated a year ago that crashed my heart.