The Vow

"My love, I promise I will do everything to be worthy of your love. I will love you and our son with all my heart and soul. I promise to make you happy and never break your trust. To be forever faithful to you through all the years. Not only for this moment, not for an hour or a day, I promise to hold your hand and never let it go, I promise to love you for all eternity." Jayden uttered.

My happiness was so overwhelming that I couldn't stop crying and my heart was dancing and thumping loudly for joy.

He then put the ring on my finger and kissed it. He was smiling but tears were also flowing from his eyes.

Then it was my turn to say my vow to him. I couldn't say a word for a moment. I felt like there was something in my throat, not because I was in doubt but because I was so happy from the words he said. He was staring at me, waiting for the words that I have to say.