[R18] One Heart

Our wedding ceremony and the celebration ended smoothly. Both of us were exhausted but I was excited for our first night as husband and wife.

Our friends and families were still at the hall bidding farewell to the other guests while we said goodbye to some royals.

When the last guest left, Jayden suddenly carried me bridal style. Everyone was looking at us with smiles on their faces.

"If you'll excuse us, me and my wife need to rest now. We'll take our leave." He said, winking at me.

"Go and make another baby!" We laughed when grandpa shouted.

Jayden brought me to our new bedroom in the palace which was bigger than the room we had before. This would be our personal space here every time we would visit.

"This is nicer than the other one." He commented.

He gently put me down then grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. We stared at each other, eyes full of love.

"My wife." He whispered.

"My husband." I said, smiling at him.