
Right after they left the throne room, I broke down and cried. My knees were shaking the whole time but because of Jayden, I managed to stand still.

Jayden pulled me to his arms as I cried my heart out. We already expected his answers but it was still painful. I was not only hurt because he showed little to no affection towards me but because he didn't show any remorse from what he did to Jayden's mom.

I was hurting for my husband. He didn't show any sadness nor did he have any hatred towards my father. He couldn't get mad at him and even forgave him, all because of me.

I couldn't explain the pain in my heart. Thinking that my own father caused great suffering to my husband, breaks my heart.

"Leave us." Kyle ordered the royal guards and Jayden's security team.

When everyone went out, Kyle stood up and rushed into me, holding on to my shoulders and kissed me on the forehead.