First Date

I was looking at him while talking to Luke. I was anxious and my heart pounded loudly. I kept on biting my lips and my hands were trembling.

Jayden noticed how I felt and held my hand.

"Hey. Luke and the others will be here. Talking on the phone was risky so we'll discuss it in person. We need to talk to Kyle about this as well. I know you're scared of what he could do, I promise I'll protect you. He won't take a move for now since it's too early, so relax. Contact your sisters after we talk to the others." He said in a calm voice.

"How about Caden? Do you think we should keep him here?" I asked, worried.

Jayden shook his head. "I don't trust the people inside the palace. They are more corrupt than regular people. A.E's security was proven and tested. The men were capable and reliable more than anyone. Caden will be safer there than here."