
"Are you sure about this?" Kyle asked.

We were discussing about Marissa and her parents. I have interrogated her and she told me what she knows.

She was one of my father's mistresses. She wasn't the only one. Matthew Forelli lured women from different clans, making them his spy. Marissa warned that there might be someone inside the palace who works for him.

"I'm sure. But I will only let Marissa go, not her parents so she won't betray us." I answered.

I told them that I will make Marissa my spy instead and would take her parents as hostage so she would do everything I ask. I know it was somehow inhumane but I need to know his plans against us.

He may be my biological father but he was never my family. My only family was the people in Queen's, Kyle and grandpa and Jayden's family. I will protect them, especially my husband and my son.

"Jayden?" Kyle looked at him, asking if he agreed with my plan.