

I was in the garden talking with Luke on the phone, I suddenly felt someone was watching me. I shrugged it off thinking it was just my imagination but I felt the gaze following my every move.

I acted normal while talking to Luke but sent him a code so he knows I was being watched.

"Angel." I said.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I need an angel." I continued.

"I'll tell Andrew to prepare the plane. We'll fly tonight. Go check on Peggy. Be casual." He said.

Angel was the word we usually use when someone is in trouble or if we need help. It started with Alora. Her psycho killer aunt always calls her angel. At first, we thought it was a compliment because Alora looks like an angel but we found out it was a message to her, asking for help. From that moment, we used it as a code when we needed help.

"Thank you." I simply answered before ending the call.