

My face hurts. My lips were swollen and my arms were numb. I could now feel some senses on my lower body, but I feel sore all over.

How can I be so stupid? Why did I mention Caden in this situation? What did father want from him? He's just three and knew nothing about this whole charade.

I need to find a way to contact Jayden. By now, I know he already knew I was missing.

I looked around the room again to see if there's a possible exit aside from the door. I mustered my strength and got down from the bed. I stood up slowly, trying to feel my feet.

I wobbled and fell on the floor. Good thing, my face didn't hit the floor so hard. I felt a sudden pain in my left ankle.

Fuck! It's painful. I remembered Alora's story when she was running away from her abductor. She has bruises all over her body but she didn't stop running. She was just around eleven that time.