After The Rain Part 1

"Jayden?" I whispered as I slowly opened my eyes.

I felt someone hold my hand and whispered.

"Love, I'm here." He said.

"I see you." I uttered and smiled at him.

He looks stressed and there are dark circles in his eyes. His hair was messy and his shirt was opened up to the third button, exposing his chest.

He kissed my hand and put it on his cheek. There was a tear in his eye.

"I thought I lost you." He whispered. 

"I would never leave you didn't I promise you that?" I said smiling.

"You should rest. You've been hurt a lot." He said.

"I don't want to close my eyes. I want to stare at you all day." I murmured.

He didn't say a word and tears fell from his eyes. He sighed over and over.

"Love, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. It was my father who did all this." I said.

"Did he hit you?"

I nodded, sadly.