[R18] Making Love In My Hospital Room

"Peggy!" Jayden called. I glared at him and turned to the doctors again.

"It's a royal command. Remove it or I would have to punish you from disobeying my order."

"Your highness, we wanted to follow your order but can we check your health status first to make sure it is okay to remove it. If not, we apologize but even if it's a royal command, we won't obey you. We just have to talk about this matter to the prince regent." One of the doctors answered.

I glared at Jayden again when I saw him chuckled.

"Fine! And I want to know if I can make love with my husband."

"Peggy! What the fuck!?" Jayden yelled.

I giggled while staring at him. That's what he gets from laughing earlier.

I saw the doctors were trying to control themselves from laughing. The nurses were blushing and smiling.

"What? Is it bad to want to have sex with my husband?" 

"Peggy stop it!" Jayden yelled, blushing from embarrassment.